Several of you have reached out and graciously offered to help with supporting this site. Right now, it’s pretty affordable. As it grows and we want to introduce some features, it might be an expense that my wife asks me to off-set. In that case, I might set up a Patreon membership, but it would never, ever, ever be required. Just for those who want to be involved on a giving level.
Ads (pop ups banners, etc) are intrusive, ugly, and unnecessary. They will never be a part of this forum. Ever.
I’m in! I appreciate the work you put in. A few bucks won’t kill me. Actually, it really is the least I can do after you’ve done all the heavy lifting.
I’d have no problems donating some fundage to keep things old school and keep the forum ad free. And thanks again Nate for taking this on, this is like a walk down memory lane seeing some of the “old school” names I haven’t seen for a dogs age. Live long and prosper!
Honestly Nate, this is awesome. Your doing this out of our own pocket and the time you use building and maintaining this site is unbelievable. I would love to donate some money for the site. Also love seeing the old school people on here. Love getting some lions insight from you all
I’m going to put my nerdy dad-hat on for a second, Nate.
You’ve done this before. You’ve tired of this before. For your own sanity’s sake, make sure you have contingencies in place for when your labor of love begins to make you feel like a beast of burden. For the record, you should probably scratch “turn over to a larger media outlet” off your list.
I’ve been part of this group and others before. Unless they’re able to generate revenue from their endeavor, 99% tire of it and get distracted by real life stuff. When that happens again, make sure there’s an assistant admin able to shoulder the load for a long period of time so you can attend to personal things without worry of a bunch of goofball Lions fans.
Ha, yeah, we’re not going the network/media outlet direction again. I’ve already been recruited in the last couple of months by another network before this effort and turned it down. Been there, done that. We’ve always done better as an independent.
(A note on this: In the past, I’ve written about the Lions or had a writer like Mike Mady in Detroit covering the team for a network. In return, the network provided a platform and shared ad revenue, which was always nominal. Between my current work and a severe lack of interest in actually writing about the team, or being held to a contract to produce “articles,” the idea of signing with a network is nauseating. Too many bad experiences/lack of interest. It won’t happen. Plus, my wife would murder me.)
The great thing about this forum software is that the more people become regular, trusted users, the system responds by granting them control (within reason) that allows them to help curate, police and keep this place clean. So even if I get hit by a truck tomorrow, we’ll be OK. That, and the moderators are back.