Ajayi is a talented guy we could get for next to nothing.
" By midway through the following season, Ajayi had fallen out of favor with the coaching staff and was traded to the Philadelphia Eagles."
So why’d he fall out of favor? Couldn’t keep his mouth shut?
With that may teams after him, I dunno that we could get him for next to nothing. And here in Detroit he would be no better than a 2nd banana behind KeJo, and I doubt he’d go for that or the RBBC approach that the Lions are apparently going to employ.
Medically cleared is one thing, but being NFL-ready is another. Nothing wrong with bringing him in for looksee and find out where his speed and agility is post-injury, if he’s interested. But my guess is, he isn’t.
Pass. He fumbles like a b-tch.
I don’t see a spot for him unless for some reason Ty Johnson beats out Theo riddick and we don’t want to carry a full back.
Why? We’re likely going to cut a very good RB as it is. I can’t see the Lions carrying 5 and a fullback. Bev says they’re going to use a FB a lot, so…
Watching Bev talk RB’s, he caught himself at the very end after running through, KJ, Anderson, ZZ, and Johnson…oh, and I can’t forget Theo. But apparently, he did. Just a memory glitch? I don’t think so.
Riddicks path to stay on the team? He’s not likely to beat out Amendola. Maybe CJ has lost something? I’ve long said he should have switched to Slot. It may be too late. You hate to see him go, but, I would hate it worse if Ty Johnson didn’t clear waivers.
Who knows. It’s early.
I would need to see him workout to make a judgement on it. Then I’d need more info on his medicals. Ajayi was always going to have a short career because he’s got some kind of condition with his knees. Obviously tearing an ACL doesn’t help that situation.
Package him up and trade him for an OG