Ben Johnson is Everyone’s #1 Target

Nope, just trying to remain unbiased and objective… Ra is my favorite player

Anthony Lynn says hello…

I think Dan sets the identity and motivation for sure, but Ben and Goff designed this offense and BJ is calling the plays… There’s an art to it and I think he’s exceptional at it.

Anthony Lynn wasn’t doing what he wanted, so he fired him. Dan made a mistake thinking Lynn could run the offense he wanted, but that doesn’t mean that this isn’t just exactly what he envisioned.

I’m not trying to take away from Ben at all, he’s awesome. And maybe he is the secret sauce. My main point was that Campbell shows savant-level in-game decision-making at times, especially of late. He’s even out-analyticked the analytics guys a few times. I just think he’s a very, very smart dude.


I wish this could be posted and reposted 100000000 times. Right on man



I’m not worried about Ben leaving. Not at all…. I’m worried about Goff leaving.

JG broke Erin’s records…

JG went to a SB at 23 following two consecutive All Pro caliber years.

JG went to a dumpster fire and helped turn it around despite spotty to bad defense… in just 2-3 years. Another potential top 5 offense pelt on his wall.

  • I’d love Ben to stay, but if we pay Goff…pay Glasgow… extend Sewell (and maybe Decker) and draft an OG in round 3…. We are a top 5
    offense again with DC and Tanner or Scottie.

Anthony Lynn was hired by Dan to run Anthony Lynn’s offense… It failed and he fired him, props to him. He then let Ben and Goff design a new offense tailored to Goff’s strengths. I’m not saying Dan doesn’t have input, he probably does, but I do not think he’s the architect.

As far as his in game decisions, they’re working out for the most part, but isn’t that because of great play design/calling? What savant-level in game decisions is he making to improve the defense as it’s getting roasted by Lamar or Herbert? We can all agree Johnson is superior to Glenn, right? I’m just sayin, BJ is a HUGE reason for this team’s success and his departure would be detrimental to the future of this team IMO

You may be right. I’m just saying you may be wrong as well. It’s possible that Dan IS behind it. You believe he isn’t and that’s fine, but you could be wrong. My main point is that Dan’s clear intelligence gives me hope that he is, in fact, the straw that stirs the drink.


I don’t think any of us truly know, but it’s tough to overlook our offense the back half of 2021. Remember, Dan called plays that year and really had a fantastic feel for it. That offense had such little skill position talent, yet St Brown went on a historic run for a rookie and they played really well to close the year.

It is Ben and Dans offense and it isn’t like Ben will be ale everything with when he leaves, the offense will still be in place. If Montgomery or Emgstrand struggle as OC, Dan can always start calling the plays again.

Losing Johnson would be a setback, and the offense likely doesn’t come firing out the gate after he leaves, but I think they will adjust.

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I really hope that if BJ does leave the Lions, he takes some time off to travel the country in a semi with his best friend who just so happens to be a chimpanzee.

I don’t think Ben is the secret sauce. I don’t think Dan is the secret sauce. I don’t even think Brad or even Sheila is the secret sauce. I think the secret sauce is this extreme adherence to collaboration, unity and fellowship. And I think our organization understands that what they’ve crafted in this regard is rather special and rare and it’s why they are so fanatical in the defense, maintenance and refinement of our culture.


After 110 replies…I’ve learned that some people love BJ’s more than others.

Just wait until Hooker starts turning tricks next year.

Would you rather have Pete Caroll or Lane Kiffen

Would you rather Andy Reed or Raheem Morris

How about Josh McDaniels or Dick Vermeil

David Shula or Don Shula

Bill Parcells or Marty Mornhinweg

So many young inexperienced coaches are not very exciting too.

But if you look at the top coaches in the nfl today. Most of them are on their second team.

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Lol prepare to be disappointed.

in a few years :wink: I’m thinking Ben may stick around

one thing too–> while it’s true that not all good OC’s are great HC’s, I think Ben has a chance to be VERY good. He is charismatic, likable, eloquent, and won’t be taken the wrong way very often. Great communicator that cares about the guys… I hate to say it, but I DO think he will be a good HC.

That said, he’s not coach Dan.
Love Ben
Think we eventually lose him.
Hope not.
Hope we can replace him without much dropoff, if we can.

Wish him well no matter what he chooses.
Love him as a human more than I love him as a coach.

IF he accepts a job, hope it is in the AFC.
Also hope he makes it to the SB…
…where we beat his team by 468 points!!!..cuz ■■■■ HIM in that game! LOL

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I would rather the Lions pay Ben what he wants to stay. We all want him to stay.

Does Ben want to stay? He seems happy here. Smiling ear-to-ear the last press conference, and he should.

Ben’s calls against the Chargers was art. The best I personally witnessed in the NFL.

I really want him tto be paid greatly for what he is great at.

If he is a HC, it will only add to his plate.

He is greatly appreciated. Pay him and to be great on offense. An Offensive Coordinator.

And Ben, the grass isnt always greener. However, if you get canned as HC, i suppose you can always go back to being an OC like Josh McDaniels.

Except youre miles ahead of Josh McDaniels.

Special brain. Special OC. Timing. Play design.

Charger game was perfection.

I dont want to see you as a Head Coach. Your gift is what youre doing now in my opinion.

Hopefully a smart team pays you a handsome sum to do what youre doing now.

I hope its the Lions.

Hope we keep you.


With regards to who goes with Ben from the Lions staff I think we might lose a couple but I also think it depends on who gets promoted.

Would you rather be a first time OC under first time HC Ben J or first OC under Dan Campbell? I think the smart choice is Dan Campbell as you are positioned under a 4th year HC who guided a first time OC to a HC job. You have an established team, OL, QB, RB etc as well. You have a front office that excels at drafting quality players to improve your roster.

So, whoever doesn’t get the OC job may go with Ben, if he leaves, but I think Dan and Brad will be able to keep the staff they want to keep.

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Not that I want to, but can Ben Johnson be traded?

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Ben Johnson is not smart if he leaves Detroit.

Good luck he leaves, youll need it.

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Maybe yes, maybe no.
You can’t blame a person for working up the career ladder and he is earning it. Now being smart is picking the right location and there may be one or two of those spots available this year with LAC being one of those.


Yep. Analytics gets you so far. 4th and 2, own 45, down 6, third quarter gets you only so far. It can never capture the context of each game - what’s the defense expecting, are you moving the ball lately, how’s your defense doing, did their stud LB just get injured, etc. etc.

Most people would agree and take the role that is safer. Others would like to be the architect of turning a franchise around. The latter scenario also gives you time to get your feet under you. If you put up offense number 25 in your first year, no one will think twice. If you put up offense number 15 under Dan, you’re in trouble.