Brett Favre update


Texts reportedly show Brett Favre seeking millions in federal welfare funds for Southern Miss volleyball stadium

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Driving thru Mississippi is like driving thru a 3rd world country, there are still tar paper shacks. I think it’s safe to assume that if Brett was a recipient of fraud that he is simply standing in a very long line.


Oof…Favres motives/reasoning for all of this is still tbd, but my official bullshitometer says it’s not lookin good

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Favre is clearly a piece of shit.

It doesn’t take that strong of a moral compass to do things you’re paid < squints at notes > $600,000 to do.

Dude had text messages for the volleyball funding where he clearly wanted to make sure the media never got wind of it.


yep…kind of stinks a bit

Even the $1.1 million Favre personally received in exchange for recording some ads was allegedly a scheme to funnel more money into the volleyball stadium. As one text message conversation shows, Favre was not keen on the story of where he was getting the money leaking out:

Favre : If you were to pay me is there anyway the media can find out where it came from and how much?

New : No, we never have had that information publicized. I understand you being uneasy about that though. Let’s see what happens on Monday with the conversation with some of the folks at Southern [Miss]. Maybe it will click with them. Hopefully.

Favre : Ok thanks

New : Wow, just got off the phone with Phil Bryant! He is on board with us! We will get this done!

Favre : Awesome I needed to hear that for sure


Probably is a long list, but you combat it by prosecuting the famous Piece of Shit that’s name is more recognizable. A normal person would have to do some prison time. I hope they get this douchebag to do it as well. At the end of the day, it is disgraceful.


Yep, I assume he’s just the tip of the iceberg and that they need federal assistance as asking their foxes to guard their hen houses would result in, well, not much.

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Did Brett make some poor money decisions? I remember last year he was lobbying for an announcing gig. If he’s still got anywhere close to 100m in the bank then the judgment here is astoundingly terrible. The ethics are sh!t regardless but the risk-reward seems way out of whack presuming that he didn’t need the money. Martha Stewart like decision making.


so weird
all of it

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Thats not what Favre’s part of Mississippi looks like.


Nice beaches and casino dough. It really is a story of the have and have nots.

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Brett is from the coast. The media has always built him up as some country boy who grew up on a farm in Mississippi in the middle of nowhere. When in reality he’s a beach town kid.


He grew up in Kiln, and graduated from Hancock North Central, a town of just over 2,000 people. He didn’t grow up on a farm but he grew up in the country.

Yeah, let’s go after Farve. Can’t say anything more.

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He’s got a real history with texting, including sending dick picks to a female reporter, his wife and kids must have loved that. Class act.


I’m glad the rest of the world is learning what a turd he is. In another fifteen years the same thing will happen to Rodgers.


Honestly, if you get a text from Brett Favre trying to loop you into a crime you’ve gotten off easy. You could have received something much less pleasant.

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You lost me on that one brother!?

I’d rather get a crime text from Favre than a dick pic. One of those things cannot be unseen.

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Your story is Favre from accurate. At least a dick pic or two away.