Bye week therapy

Oh no, the horror
Twice will they make history
Oh for seventeen


Hoping we can beat the Bears on Turkeyday!
you guys are gonna be eating TRUCKLOADS of crow when we end up picking SECOND OA in the draft.

run crow GIF by mjkahn

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I thought I was the King of Optimism, but you’ve stolen my crown with that post.

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Nobody pitching in with haiku?

Here lies Jared Goff
Low talent and bad O line
nO mOAr GuT PuNcHesS!

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Tank for Thibodeaux
The Lions are not tanking
They are just that bad


Why dear Jared why
It was 4th and forever
Pass must be inbounds

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No we’re getting that # 1 pick buddy!!!

Truth be told, I hope you’re right

Oh we def got it…this team went from 0-17 watch to 0-17 warning for sure, with a ceiling of 2 wins at this point…we got this.

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To Go Forth on Fourth
or to stay, I knoweth not
WTF to do

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That’s what I’m talking 'bout! Quality effort!

whether tis nobler
to suffer the meathead of
outrageous fortune

or in opposing
end your toxic addiction
and watch basketball


Sitting in bathtub
Jumper cables on my nipples
Still more fun than Lions


How now brown cow
Maketh more sense to me
than this doth to me now
I’ll go to fill tanks with propane, you see
but first to the bathroom, cuz now I must pee.


When the leaves turn red
The Canada goose flies south
Lions fans say “next year”

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Nine more team losses
On the way to history
Kings of futility


one week isn’t enough therapy , going to be hard to come back with any hope. magic beanz my ass, we always draft high bc we always find new levels of suck and get owned bc we look like THEE most hapless team in the league !

this team is emergency must-be -saved mode. we aren’t winning chit until somebody with real experience and knowledge takes this team under his wings. , I got suckered…thinking we had that, then 0-8 happened.

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Oh! Oh, Sheila you
know that you’re the only one

triumph the insult comic dog conan25 GIF by Team Coco