Congrats for thw win Lions!

not too many posters talking about winning today so I thought I’d give the team a pat on their backs.

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Every win in the NFL is an accomplishment

Now we need to stack some

1 game closer to collecting on my Lions Over Bet

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I agree Jaded, I’m pretty damn satisfied that we won ! I couldn’t bare this place had we lost it , I don’t even want to think about that.

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Seriously, if this place bothers you that much after a Lions loss, then why visit this site?
After the Vikings loss I didn’t visit this site. Had the Giants won I probably wouldn’t be on here right now. It really doesn’t affect my life one way or the other.

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sorry Gio, but I’ve been here 41 years and have stayed through 3 different boards of fighting and arguing and who is smarter than who , we have lost over a dozen different posters—more like 3-4 dozen over the years , and I’ve even seen fights when we win games to…not even CLOSE to my first rodeo here …no offense.
It would have been ugly as F here IF we had lost this game and that’s both a promise & understatement. there is a ton of quality posters here no shortness in The Den ever, but you hang around and see if you don’t agree with me later on… shrug

Oh, I don’t doubt what you say about posters here after a loss. But all I was saying is that if it really affects you that much then just wait until Thursday or Friday to come back to the board when posters who actually would like to talk about football are back.
For me, win or lose, I want to watch a good game. I guess I am more of a fan of good football. just because I don’t get too high or low after a Lions game.

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Yea, I just worked and went deer hunting and let all the SOLFs rant all week

I didn’t miss anything worthwhile

Came back for the game thread after hunting this morning

Nice win by the Lions. This place will be dead now until we lose

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Just waking up in Hong Kong. Nice to see we beat the Giants. Didn’t set my alarm the last couple weeks to watch. Still mostly disinterested in the NFL since the refs gave our victory to GB

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