Don't throw the ball at Kerby!

These stats (from PFR) are absolutely ridiculous!!

Attempts - 27
Completions - 11
Comp % - 40.7
Yards - 146
Yards per attempt - 5.4
TD - 0
INT - 7
Passer Rating - 19.0

7 INTs from 27 targets is absurd!
7 INTs to 11 completions is absurd!
A passer rating of 19.0 is absurd!

I knew Kerby was having a good season, but this is crazy.


Dont show this to Caleb


Dan and Brad loves their guys. Kerby will get paid for sure.


I remember watching the “hype video” of that draft and Kerby saying something like “when the ball is in the air, I feel like I have just as much right to it as the receiver”.

Anyone have some skills that can pull that up and post it here?

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