Goff’s decision making has drastically improved

Haha! My dream woman…

  1. Smart enough to have an affinity for the bald
  2. Physical touch as a primary love language
  3. Passionate about life
  4. Loves humans
  5. Has balls enough to speak on stage with me (not a deal breaker if she can’t)
  6. Loves herself enough to receive what I’m putting out there
  7. Great mamma
  8. Loves sex and not afraid to own her sexuality
  9. Is “reachable,” if not in a moment…then eventually.
  10. More committed to experiencing love than experiencing her stories/ego
    …let’s be honest…there’s not near enough room/time here for this exercise. LOL
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Physical touch as a love language is a bit too vague for me. With my polish luck I’d get a woman that wakes up in the morning and slaps me in the face. Lol


LOL - Now…connect #s 2,3,and 8

I can connect all 3 and still get slapped in the face. Lol

LOL. Technically, you could.

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I stopped reading there.

Pairs Rotum GIF

Just having fun with ya.

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Jared Goff has to make 20x what she makes she makes

Edit: whoops late to the party. At least I didn’t Google it though, @Snags

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So one thing about Jared … he really is a likable character. I root for him pretty hard. Not as much as I root for say El Jefe but a Goff turnaround story would be a fun one for all of us. What’s better than watching an underdog story unfold in your backyard?


I think we’ll see lots of 'em. Our coaches will be really good at getting the ceiling out of almost everyone. Lots of guys with talent that never “got it” will be likely to succeed here. Athletic guys with great attitude and work ethic will be highly likely to make it.

You know shes a keeper when she didnt dump him when he got traded to the lions… wtf took him so long to pop the question?


LOL - Love it.

Blewbs are spectacular.

Yep! We all once believed she existed.
She doesn’t.

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I love my circles. Lots of 'em. My perception is this…Just because she’s perfect, doesn’t mean she’s perfect for me (as a match).
I know lots of women that I call perfect humans. LOVE them.

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This makes me think of the hot/crazy matrix.

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As someone who’s met both of them - she’s incredible smart, sweet and charismatic. She’s literally one of the only people I ever walked away from meeting saying “holy smokes, she’s almost unreal.”


Not really, I just wanted to know if what you were saying was legit. Like, if she was really on that level of modeling. I don’t keep up with models or what they make. The only models name that I even know is Gizelle’s and that’s only because she’s married to Brady.

Honestly I’ve never really looked into it. I’m pretty much the furthest away from a model as you can get. Lol

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