Good chance we might play green bay because of Jalen Hurts situation

Well, i went down the rabbit hole that is espn’s mind.

I did it to myself.


Thanks for sharing. Top notch guy. Very very good LB. So glad he’s a Lion. So sorry I didn’t see it early on!

The NFC North is the Best Division in football (even with Chicago).
But I’d still rather play GB again than a full strength Philly team.
They are the only team that gives the Lions a match up problem.
Equal O-Line.
Better Running Game
Better Defense
Lions have better Passing Game and Special Teams.
If GB, Wash, and Minn win, Lions host GB & Vikings host Commanders.
Lions might have to beat both GB & Minn 3 times to get to SB.

Guys watch this video ,really good guy ,great message, parents unity is important for kids confidence

Nice looking family. I would like to tweak all their nipples.

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My prediction is the commies.

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Hurts, Love, and Willis all limited practice
. Not sure we can take anything conclusive from any of the reports. I expect to see both starting QBs, but it’s alway good to give the other team another scenario to prepare for.

Isn’t the NFC north the best?

Take out Chicago, Minnesota lost 1 game outside division in a short week, GB lost one game outside division to start season in a another country and detroit lost 2 games outside division.

But that being said i would rather face teams different then both Vikings and Packers. Beating two teams 3x in a seaon is tough (of coirse flip side is sending home division rivals and going to super bowl would be awesome!)


Actually, it’s not tough.

Beating a rival twice generally means you’re better than them. Add in home field advantage, and this particular three-peat happens 66% of the time.

Bring 'em on.


This was my opinion as well. I just think it’s hard to beat same opponent 3x but someone here shared a graphic of the %’s around this and I believe it said the team that won first two matchups won playoff matchup 70% of the time.

I still am pulling for a Washington W.

Unlike Travis Kelce, my opinion would be a little luck in who we face is good. I don’t care who we beat to get there as long as we get there.


Ya I just read an article and showed numbers. Still would like to see someone new. Plus nice to beat NFC east teams. They just annoy me.

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If we can’t beat Philly, we don’t deserve to go to the dance.
You can’t be the best unless you can beat the best. There is no short cut to greatness.
What if Buffalo is waiting in NOLA? I hope they are.

I don’t really care what happened… But I would love to play Minnesota and Green Bay, Just to announce the next 2 decades of dominance.

I want everyone in the division to be having nightmares about us

8-0 in the division.


star trek traveller came off with a creepy pedo vibe.

But wesley got redemption, if you watched star trek prodigy. great final season.


we just won 15 games -and yet "we’re not good enough? all it is -is click bait and bullsh#!7 . IF we weren’t good enough, we wouldn’t have DONE IT. Don’t care who we play, your just prey right now!

Season 3 Nbc GIF by The Office



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Exactly. Id rather play green bay than philly with kenny picket. He throws the ball to their recievers. Hurts started believing his own press clippings after the superbowl loss season. He hasnt looked the same since he got paid.

If they didn’t get the message after we swept the division, they never will. That message has been sent.
Time the rest of the NFC and the effing MEDIA got the message!