Heart issues again

Thoughts and prayers, buddy

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My dad is having similar issues. He had a nstemi heart attack 2 weeks ago and was told his arteries are so small that they can’t place a stent. They sent him home for “self care”. I’m taking him up to the Cleveland clinic on Monday(we’re in Florida)and hopefully we get better news from them. He suffers from atherosclerosis from being a diabetic since he was 12(he’s 69 now)

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Good luck brother.

Prayers bro hoping for the best for you.

Definitely a good idea to get a 2nd opinion at Cleveland Clinic.
They are top notch.
Hopefully they have a minimally invasive fix… but if CABG is needed… that is a great place to be.
Sending good wishes for you and pops!!!

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Praying for you and your dad. :pray:

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Prayers and blessings…

I have been pondering going with a Kosher diet only… aka only what the Bible says to eat (I do not see in scripture where Jesus, Simon-Peter or even God deck wars all food clean) and the research alone suggests it’s a great way to live food habit wise…

Point is - even at 96… making life better regardless of time we have left here, looking into it…

I started last night so we will see!

No matter what - blessings!!


God indeed blesses us @DeadDog, praise God!!

I always thought that bit in Matthew 15:11 where he says it’s not what you put in your stomach but what comes out of your mouth that defines you (more or less).

That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go kosher if that’s what you think your path is.

I really admire your relentless positivity and faith, it shines in this forum!

I’m not really one to say do this don’t do that when it comes to how to live religiously, I’m more of a “try to do your best and I be tryin’ to do my best, let’s help each other out” kind of an approach.

For us to connect and agree on anything in terms of faith is huge and gives us a snowball effect so that’s what I want.

My thought is that the New Lions draft video was TOO life changing too quickly and your hearts needed some time to adjust! :wink:


You are 96?


The power of prayer is strong; will add you to my prayer list today. Hang in there!


Live long and prosper, and do what what your doctor tells you to do. If you can get into the Cleveland Clinic that’s as good as it gets.

To clarify, other than this ailment, I’m pretty healthy and lead a normal life. All this ailment does is leaves me fatigued earlier than before and just have to take things easy.

Thanks for the all the kind words and good to hear that you received good news DDog!


One might think the stress of being a long-time Lions would do us all in before we hit 80. Something to be said for good genes I guess.


100% agree!!


I was referring to Phimmams dad… but I got dialectical… he is 69, not 96!! :flushed:


Love this place because of who’s here in it! Thanks brothers!!


For me, this whole chapter starts on the question Jesus was asked: why wash hands before eating. It is not about food. Overall Jesus jammers the Pharisees one a few point next, and then he turns the focus to the people there and say this verse and imho the focus is what come out is from the heart… and this amines with Mathew 5! It’s about the heart and desire not the act anymore… Jesus simply blended the two point together… hand washing (external) and how the Pharisees were about the wrong things they were trying to “put into them” and in this case the added ritual of hand washing that not part of the tora… and trust me trying not to eat ham, sausage or pork SUCKS!! But I feel obligated to do what is asked… and read it correctly imho… and by default man is a Kosher diet healthy!! Crazy that it can stand in it own even if one did not believe the rest of the Bible… the eating habits it’s asks us to do work!

Ok - my bad for preaching abit here!!

Love you all!!


No problem with me so no need for apologies/forgiveness here!

My problem is that I do have the skill and ability to fight my argument via gospel, reading, etc when it works for me.

For example, I love me some pork, so I’m inclined to say this Matthew stuff, then the Paul stuff where he opens it up to Gentiles, etc.

Really, the root of my thoughts is “pork chops are my friend, give me pork chops or give me death, you must pry my pork chops from my cold dead hands.”

Right now just using pork chops as my example…

Fact is I think we gotta work together, encourage each other, etc, so while I say please pass the pork I can also say, NiCE WORk staying true to your faith and personal calling.

Still, it’s the other white meat and I love it! :wink:

This is me on my Ole Girl Bessy. I do love her, but am confident she’ll be delicious in a nice mojo marinade!

donuts pork GIF


Long before I was born, my grandfather had six heart attacks in a very short period of time. Doctors at the Cleveland Clinic gave him a year to live, so he quit his job, and moved his family up north. He decided to start doing what he enjoyed.

He lived over 35 more years and watched his grandson, who he raised, follow his footsteps into the Air Force.

We all live on borrowed time. Every. Single. One. Of. Us.

I hope this isn’t the end of your journey brother :pray:. You sound like you have more you want to live. Live it & Love it!


Thoughts and prayers brother… please turn the corner so you can witness the Lions transformation from doormats to dominators.

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