Houston Lightning

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I flew back from there on Tuesday. Glad I got out.

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One of my teacher friends just told me their school is flooding, as we speak

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while I love watching storms and lighting that must be terrifying.

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UFO - only explanation.

I was driving around at 3am one early Saturday morning in the upper midwest during a bad thunderstorm and saw the most spectular lightning I have ever witness. It expanded out into the sky like a huge spiderweb.

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Not the best thing in the world for one of the densest concentrations of chemical plants and oil refineries.


When I lived down in that area, I was driving close to the waterfront in an electrical storm and caught a flash-bang so close that I could smell the ozone and my car immediately stalled.


I have been that close to strikes too while hiking in the Mountains.
It’s freaky.

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About 2 months ago, I had a strike so close to me that it knocked the covers off of th recessed lights in my home - crazy. Startled the shit out of me and hurt my ears a little.

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I just moved to Virginia Beach about 6 weeks ago. I remember one night the number of lightning strikes was unbelievable. I’d never seen that many strikes in one day in my entire life.


I haven’t had any real near-death experiences yet. My father though-

Had a lightning strike near enough right after stepping out of the car that we thought he had been hit. Completely unharmed.

Fell about 25 feet from a ladder while trimming trees, landing on his chest hard enough that he bounced. He rolled over, yelled in shock, and walked it off.

Had a deer literally jump across the hood of his car. It came from the passenger side and left a hoof print on the driver side front fender. If it had jumped a half second later, it would have gone through the windshield.

He’s never had less than 2 cats in his house since I was a baby. I’m pretty sure he’s snatched some extra lives from them over the years.

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During monsoon season a few years back I saw a house get hit by lightning about 15 yards away, and begin to light on fire.

IDK if my hood instinct kicked in, but I instantly crouched behind a wall without even thinking about it.

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Lightning WSW/sunset WNW

Most certainly. They are under the streets now. Waiting.

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Had a Meth head try and steal the wrong ground wire in a substation we were guarding…

BOOM! ZZZZaaaap!

Crispy critter.