Is Bralen Trice Lions' EDGE of Future?

That i am woke or he doesn’t like Canadians LOL I know its not woke at may age so it has to be the other LOL I am laughing real

At times, I think we overthink this angle. You have room to pay 4-8 stars with the salary cap, figuring a QB can take 20% of the cap by themselves. You wait 2-3 years for a guy to develop on a four year deal and then watch them exit stage right. And that is if a career altering injury doesn’t come into play. Sometimes, just sometimes, Mr NFL Average Joe right now is better than Mr Superstar Someday. I think we’re at a point where getting immediate returns might serve dynastic ambitions better than guys we have to wait for.

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That is a fair way to want to build a roster. I just disagree with it lol.

I also think plenty of rookies, especially 1st rounders, will contribute right away regardless of the weaknesses they still need to improve upon.

Take Chop Robinson, who started this conversation. He has a ton of technique stuff to work on, he needs a pass rush plan, his hand work can improve dramatically, etc… BUT his blistering athleticism + his hot motor will still make a ton of plays for us. He can be a stud right away and still have a lot of room to improve.

That’s a fair take, however I remember much the same said regarding Ernie Sims, @Weaselpuppy favorite player. :laughing:. I’m very hesitant to make prognostications, especially at this stage, but I just don’t believe that Chop Robinson is the mold of what the team wants, Darius Robinson on the other hand…well…like I said, I’m hesitant, and it does seem like every draft that Brad destroys a pattern that we all agree that we have seen out of him thus far.

Remember last year when we all, nearly unanimously, agreed that Brad drafted with positional value at the forefront of his selections? And then he proceeded to draft RB, LB, TE, and S with four out of four picks in the first two rounds. :laughing: The more we think we know, the more we get shocked. :laughing:

Oh, I’m not saying Brad will take Chop, I honestly have no idea. I’m just saying why I like him. And for every Ernie Sims there’s a CJ Stroud, a Danielle Hunter, a Kolton Miller, a Cam Jordan. All of those guys were raw in some area and expected to take awhile, and while most of them improved (with Stroud tbd), they all brought something to the table right away.

Actually Penei is a great example of this. His technique is still somewhat raw, and yet he’s the best in the league because of the stuff he does well. I don’t think Chop would be the best in the league, but I could see him being a major contributor, easily.

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Provided that we had/have talked to Coach Scott about him we should have a decent idea if Chop is a grit fit.

Everything on his tape says he should be, but there’s nothing like an existing relationship.

Same with Isaac.

I have zero concern about Adissa being a fit. As soon as I heard about his family it put that to rest.

Yeah as weird as it may sound I honestly feel like Chop gets rated higher by online draft pundits because he has a name that stands out.

If his name was something like David Smith he’d be a second rounder on all the mocks.

Ha, maybe the crappy ones. But to me it’s pretty easy to see a 1st round player.

I agree, and I think the potential is there, but again I’m going to go back to patterns and point out something that might be relevant, or might be the target for Holmes to destroy another perceived pattern this year.

He’s never drafted a player who opted out of their teams Bowl game. Chop opted out and skipped Penn State’s Bowl game. Does that take him off the board? I doubt it. Does it make a downgrade black mark on where they establish his draft value? I think it might, I do. I think it might be a part of the character evaluation that the Lions use. I would dearly love for a reporter to ask that question of Holmes and see what the answer is, but thus far, zero opt outs.

Yeah, and again I’m not saying Holmes will draft him. He may be off the board for this exact reason. I’m just saying why I like him, that’s all. And if I had access to interviews, etc… who knows, I might like him less.

At the very least with Scott on staff he’ll know everything there is to know about Chop as a person.

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I don’t think he takes those guys off the board, but I do think the players that don’t opt out get a boost in their football character score that puts them above others in their evaluation. Take Missouri in the Cotton Bowl for instance. You have a lot of NFL prospects who showed up to play. Darius Robinson had a sack. He could have gotten injured, but playing with his team and his program one last time meant more to him and he took the risk to be with his team.

When you think about what Brad and Dan have built, I have to believe that has to count for something with them when they are evaluating how someone might fit. :thinking:

Probably so. Almost certainly so. My concern re: Robinson has little to do with his intangibles and more to do with his tape. Honestly without access to interviews, background checks, etc… I find it almost impossible to properly gauge someone’s intangibles. What I can tell is what kind of effort the tape shows and try and extrapolate their work ethic from that, which is why I’m a Chop fan (and down on Sweat, Adonai Mitchell and Mike Hall).

Skipping the bowl game probably requires adding a check mark to the cons column, but in the end Sewell and Levi skipped the Covid season for the same reason Chop skipped the bowl game: they didn’t want to jeopardize their futures. I know Covid was unique which is why I’ve never held at against them, but the root reason was the same imo.

That guy has some serious explosion. I mean he wasn’t great at the Senior Bowl at “finishing”, but his juice was noticeable.

I wouldn’t be against it. I have seen him gone before our number so we may have to move up if Holmes wants him. Combine will clear up a lot of the prospects.

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