Large bets placed on games officiated by Clete Blakeman’s crew

There’s a gambler who has been placing large bets on games officiated by Clete Blakemans crew. One of the bets was on GB to beat DET.


Not regretting my decision after reading this.

This would be SO good for the NFL, if this were to be exposed. I guess the NBA never really fixed it’s problem w/the refs though.


It would be good for the game but bad for the NFL.

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I agree but if true and it sure looks that way from some of the officiating we’re seeing then F the NFL. Make it a Level Playing Field for god sakes


Love the “dardk mode,” but when you click on a link, it blinds you. LOL

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They should start shifting each member of that team to other teams and see where the money follows.

Of course now that this has made the headlines I’m sure some back room discussions are taking place to mitigate the optics of their cheating.

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The chances that these were for random chance that just happened to hit the same officiating crew are mathematically 1 + 83500. Now he could be targeting that crew and the unanswerable question will likely end up being why oh, but I think we all have a pretty decent idea.

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Yeah … tell us who’s going to win the game ahead of time so we can all bet on them … lol