Lions have the truest fans

Most people on this board will relate to that article

I felt it with the 84 Tigers, and Wings and now will feel it with the Lions. When you follow a team closely and ride the ups and downs, when that ride finally takes you to the top it is glorious. I enjoyed the Pistons but I am just not huge basketball fan so I had not really followed that team as it rose up.

I really only follow the Lions now. But in my youth baseball was everything along with football. Followed the Wings closely from the late 80s through about 5 years ago. Mostly just do not have the time and energy to follow hockey anymore. But I may make time as it sounds like they are building back up.

Anyway, my point was that when you ride with a team through the lows and then ride them up to a Championship it is just different. The feeling is way more intense and you have such attachment due to the length of time.

I have watched Hutch since he was a freshman in HS. So my wife and I are really attached to the Lions now more than ever due to that fact. And we are die hard Spartans and still watched the evil empire weekly just to see how Hutch did. So this ride with the Lions is so crazy close and more personal than ever.

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Mostly i see snowflake fans who melt under the slightest pressure. At least on this board.

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Great read. I’ll never forget the 68 Tigers and the 89 Pistons. The Pistons went through torture before finally getting there. It seemed like roadblock after roadblock with Bernard King, Dominique Wilkins, Bird, McHale, Parrish, Kareem and Magic. Nothing will ever compare to that era, when players actually hated one another. Now its just one big fraternity.

The last 6 days are the craziest I’ve seen in 15 years on this board

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Another thread where we’re wrapped up in each other instead of the success of the team.

Yeah I mean I jumped on the Pistons when they kept losing in the playoffs. And then they broke through. But I did not have that complete bond with the team because I only follow basketball loosely and of course when they are winning…LOL. Those losses to the Celtics and then to the Bulls were brutal and made that championship so sweet.

Wouldn’t have known that last week.:rofl:

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I LOVE the Flag thing. I NEVER celebrate a play right when it happens. Amon Ra catches a 10 yd pass, adds on another 20 to YAC.
And I wait.
I count to 10.
Wait for the next snap, then I gotta watch that play.
I only appreciate the good plays on the rewatch. NFL has forced this on me.


From the article

Detroit has gone 1-12 in playoff games in the 57-season Super Bowl era

And we’ve been rebuilding since 57…

Grinch Smile GIF

We followed the Pistons pretty good in the 80s and 90s cause the lions would always send us tickets to like 12-15 games a year then allow us to purchase playoff tickets. It was awesome when they broke through finally

And our best player, Number 58, is going to lead us to Super Bowl 58.

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Tough to argue w/that

Can’t wait to see what Gibby does next year. :wink:

Literally like Fansville lol… 1 bad day and it’s fire everyone get a new qb blah blah blah

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