Lions keeping 3 QBs on roster?

Hold on, you’re telling me Brockers wasn’t getting paid last season for all the games he was inactive? That doesn’t sound right. If you had a high priced player, but he sucks, just make him inactive every week, like Kenny G for example with the Giants so you don’t have to pay him.

I’m pretty sure if a player is on the 53 man roster, they are still getting paid the weekly game check whether they active or not. Now if they have incentives in their contract for playing time and production, clearly they wouldn’t be getting that money. Practice squad players are far different.

The NFL has basically two types of contracts. Guaranteed and Split contracts.

Even the guaranteed contracts have in-game

Here’s a link and quote for you.

Do inactive players get paid?

In short, players who get listed as inactive still get paid. However, they will not receive any gameday bonuses.

A large majority of NFL contracts have an active roster bonus. This means a player will make more money if he is part of the 46-player gameday roster.

So those seven players who are made inactive still receive the majority of their weekly pay. However, they may lose some income.

Many believe this further incentivises the NFL to keep the inactive list. A team can save a portion of money every year through the ability to withhold players’ game checks due to their inactive status.


Roger that! Pretty much what I thought. Brockers still got paid 10 mill for doing nothing. You got my hopes up for a second. haha

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best job on the planet. Sidelines for every game…gets to hang out with Jack Fox…makes a ton of cash…excellent health guidance and insurance…Sheeesh! Sign me up!


Nothing about how the 49ers game played out would have changed. And here’s why:

@jthom19802 says he doesn’t think he is explaining it right. What’s important to know is that the NFL had this rule before. The way he explained it is exactly the logic teams used. While the rule was in place many teams still went with only 2 QBs on the 53 man roster. So it went away.

Here is how I look at it, and this doesn’t just apply to QB. There are only 46 active players on gameday. That is the law of the land. Every single player beyond 46 will always be watching the game just like the rest of us. The 3rd QB can be looked at as a player that would not be carried on the 53 man roster. So if you choose to take advantage of the rule, you are literally replacing the 53rd man on the team. And the 53rd man plays 0% of the time. The lowest guy to actually play in a game is the 46th guy. So unless you make the 53rd guy the 46th guy, he’s irrelevant to the gameday players available. The rule gives a unique opportunity to have the 53rd man on the roster to actually play the game. Or another way to view it is you have 47 active players instead of 46, as long as the 47th guy is a QB.

I see it as Goff , Hooker, and whoever wins between Mart and Suds.

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