Lions passing game coordinator Tanner Engstrand offers a telling quote on the new philosophy in Detroit

That is the counterfactual that we can never know, i.e. had Lynn stayed, what would have happened? But I tend to lean in your direction…I think we would have won a couple games with Lynn. Decker coming back, Reynolds being signed, St Brown emerging etc etc. Unknowable though.

If that’s the biggest thing you learned in Stats class, you had a really bad prof. I’ve taught stats to college students, I would have taught you that poor statistical technique can lead you to misguided conclusions. But used correctly, statistics are fantastic tools that provide insights you can’t get from hunches, your own experiences, or intuition. Yet you should not think that any conclusion based on statistics is infallible.


This point is on target - scapegoat is being used in the wrong way here (by me, too). Its somewhat understandable that the term is used, because the Lynn demotion was a high profile change. But I agree that Dan was not blaming Lynn, and he spoke about it as not a big deal. He was not blaming all the warts of the team on Lynn.

I don’t think I have either…

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Really appreciated this post. I had beef with my statistic teacher from the start. They were teaching us to use stats to make performance of teenage athletes support the idea that we were doing a good job as physical educators.

Had that dude for another class too (philosophy of grading), and I butted heads with him in there too.

I’m aware that there are better teachers out there, and that not all of them were like the dude I had at CMU.


Weirdly I now believe stats are only used correctly when that person doing them is doing it with a genuine heart, with purity


Hopefully he’s not banging his crazy sister!

You just blew my mind.

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Oh my…yes, let’s hope not. He’d have to win a LOT of games in order to gain my forgiveness.

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