Meanwhile the Jets

Just beat the best team in AFC…Sala is doing at least what we expected Dan to do…win something once in awhile, even with a bad roster…

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with “Mike White” as their QB

Bald dude. Explains a lot


So you’re saying they have a better QB than us?

Vhs Kiss GIF by vhspositive

Lol…when they beat the Lions, everyone here was like, “Bengals could legit win the AFC!!!”

Now they lose to the Jets with a backup QB.

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Sala winning with uncle rico…
Throwing Napoleon Dynamite GIF

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Also keep in mind Detroit never even offered Saleh a contract before his Jets interview.

But is that more damning on the Lions/DC, or the Bengals? They housed us as bad as Philly did today…

The Bengals are not the best team in the AFC.

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Agreed. A lot of people argued they could be after that game.

Not close.
Buffalo will pee on all corners of their field and make sure they know they are owned.


Ok, one of the top 5 best teams in the AFC.

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I still doubt they even make the playoffs.

Salah is from Detroit, he knew damn well not to come here.

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I think people here were right at the time in the main talking points. Never, ever coach your hometown team. Coaches always go out losers. In the rare instance they don’t leave a loser, they leave as a quitter. While winning a championship for your home city is cute, even if you do it your tenure will typically end poorly and you will feel awkward walking around your own damn town. There’s not enough upside for anyone to do it.

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This thread needs moar Napoleon Dynamite.

Lions never even offered Saleh a contract. Reports at the time were Spielman didn’t like Saleh in the interview.

Fly Eagles Fly!
Napoleon Dynamite Bird GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment

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Mel Tucker come on down . Your chance to lose your credibility to coach on the Lions.

awesome that dude ended up being mayor of new york!

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