Merrill Hoge thinks Caleb Williams is ass

I would argue that his only bad pick was 7th round rb jermar Jefferson. His other 7th rounder that year Chase Lucas is still around.

He misses a fair amount? That is pure ■■■■■■■ nonsense spouted by people who know absolutely nothing about football. You have to wait 3 to 4 years to see how a pick develops. Right now Brads first draft can be looked at.

Sewell - HOF

Onwuzurike - 70pff score and healthy going forward - still has massive potential

McNeil - very high quality starter

Iffy - high quality starter

Barnes - high quality starter

Lucas - ps/depth

J Jefferson - out of league

That is a world class level draft for any GM. Period. Good GMs get 2 starters out of a draft. Great GMs get 3 starters.

Brad Holmes is in a league of his own.



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To late, I jacked up the joke. :speak_no_evil:

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Sewell, agreed
Levi, has potential, sure, massive, perhaps yet more questions than answers at this point.
McNeil, agreed
Iffy, still has questions but looks like a good pick in a small sample size(I would say massive potential with him more than Levi). Can he stay healthy?
Barnes, shown potential but struggles in certain D plays/coverages
Lucas, agreed

Overall agree with you on the job Holmes has done.

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Maybe Merrill Hoge is ass.

Younger Montana did. He just wasn’t flashy. He also played behind some great offensive lines.

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Let it Lehman, we arent chasing you down to discover your secret racial master card.

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Are Caleb, Drake, Jayden, Penix and Bo all gonna re-enact Murder on the Orient Express but get caught?

Sorry, 90 year old book spoiler

Exactly! Some of these clown analysts never played the game so they don’t factor football character. Merril Hodge is good. He would make an excellent broadcaster imo as well


Very true. I believe many armchair analysts never take football character into account when falling in love with a prospects athletic profile. You can’t coach desire. You can’t give ambition. One of my favorite football movies is Greater, and I think it should be required viewing for anyone who claims to love football. The coach in the movie nailed this with the line, “Character is what develops when no one is looking.”.

No one would know the name Brandon Burlsworth were it not for extreme character and determination. We tend to forget that what makes greatness is between the eardrums, not on a spreadsheet.

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Haha thx for the compliment.

Holmes has been outstanding I’ve said this many times. I call him the villain every other day. But he has missed on some free agents and on a few trades. That’s the point. No GM is perfect. Holmes is doing an outstanding job.

No need to throw a tantrum and start insulting people over an opinion

Mad The Rock GIF

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A few teams within striking range will need a franchise QB and there are probably 2-3 in this class. But someone will fall in love with one over the rest and will sell a lot of assets to Chicago who probably will decide to keep and build around Fields. This sucks for us, because whether Chicago sells Fields and goes with Williams/Maye, or trades down and collects a boatload of picks, they are in the drivers seat with the draft and FA to bring in a metric ton of talent this offseason.

…but they are still Chicago. :wink:

I would love to see the Bears blow more time on Fields personally. I just don’t see it happening.

our team has the staff to develop personnel. not sure if they do or don’t…certainly hasn’t appeared so, at least at QB position.

That isn’t factoring Amon Ra either. lol

All Pro RT
All Pro WR
Plus starter DT
Potential Plus starter S
Solid starter LB

That was one draft.

Pro Bowl DE
Potential WR2
Potential DE3
ST standout and depth LB
Edge 3

That’s second draft

All Pro TE
Stud RB
Stud NB
Solid starter LB
Backup QB
OG depth
Flier at DT

That’s the last draft.

Now give me-

Q Mitchell or TJ Tampa
J Polk or B Rice
D Carter or Ruke
J Foster or C Mahogany

I would bet that is a CB1, WR2, starting DT, and starting RG


Two Words:

Josh Rosen

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