The time to go win is right now. We don’t know what we’ll have for X’s and O’s next year, so let’s just put all of our eggs in the Jimmies & Joes basket and go win the big one
By the time we get close to draft day, it seems like draft picks become a lot more valuble than they are during trade dead line. It would not surprise me to see Garrett get had for a #2 & 4. JMO
If something doesn’t make “sense”, it’s actually likely that Holmes is considering it. Trading up for Jameson Williams, “over drafting” J. Gibbs, etc Guys considered a villain for a reason.
I’d offer 2 first round picks. He has a low base salary for the next 2 years. You can lock him up long term you can do an extension and have him at an elite level on the other side of Hutchinson for the next 5 years.
I could see this as well. Especially if we don’t plan on resigning him. Personally I love Jamo and think the things he brings are so unique to our offense.
To me this one is far more plausible than Crosby - especially with the trade request - and honestly, he’s a much better player. Best edge in the league for my money.
For me, it’s mostly because there won’t be as much competition for him. He clearly wants to go to a contender, which means there’s probably only around 10 teams he’ll OK, and we’re definitely one of them.
He IS 30 and will probably have to be re-signed to a really big number, so that will all have to be sorted.
And honestly, if I’m the Browns I’m asking for those 1st rounders to be 2026 and 2027 picks. NOT this year’s first round.
I wouldn’t ever say “never” about Brad. I think he’s always open to dealing within his framework.
I have no doubt that Brad would call to check on Garrett.
What I also don’t doubt is that there are dumb GMs and owners out there who will commit to winning this auction, price be damned. I just don’t see Brad’s price being more than one of the nuttiest GM or owner’s price.
That depends on what picks? A whole draft like that other post suggested? No, I’m not doing that. Though if I WAS it would be for Garrett over Crosby.
But 2 1sts? I’d really consider it. Of course as much as weighing the picks you have to find out what kind of contract he wants too and how that fits in with our long-term plans, which we can only guess at.