Official Game Thread Preseason Game 3 vs Steelers

Joseph got juked.

Ukwu was at DE

Ok thanks. Probably just preseason graphics not up to par.

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totally expecting it as soon as I saw their starting offense and our 3rd string defense.
This game isnt about winning


Wingo and Bromart are at DT

It isnt

its about who can make the roster or not

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Yep, and Summers over-pursued and got walked out of that hole too easily. It doesn’t take much to make an easy TD run.


Yep, Pittsburgh will get to brag that they beat Detroit.

Love that play call

I’m pretty whatever about the new kickoff. But I could really get behind them not calling it “DYNAMIC”

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It literally has less movement than the last kickoff.

Calling it “dynamic” is really stupid.

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No way in hell is Sudfeld making that play

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Lions wr aren’t getting open?

yikes. rough 3 plays

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Hooker is holding onto the ball too long. like, way too long.

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That always plagued my spring semesters.

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Jobs are not being won today, but they sure are being lost.

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Perhaps the customer hasn’t paid yet :man_shrugging:

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Hooker has a lot to learn from Goff.