Some people are just okay with Dan Skipper starting if Decker or Penei go down. Or for some reason, think Colby is a legit option, jumping from W&M to NFL T after a year despite getting dominated when he played. :person_shrugging:

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Why? I mean it’s evaluation and to each his own, just want to know what makes you say this.

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And if you look at the scores for Glasgow when he played LG vs. RG, it’s not pretty. There’s a reason our preferred lineup when Jonah went down was Awosike in at LG and Glasgow on the right. Glasgow doesn’t have the movement skills required on that side.

I would go Mahogany or McCormick for iOL here

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I would keep Glasgow at RG and let Zeitler play LG

Doesn’t move or bend well enough for a guy that doesn’t have dominant tape, 3rd-5th round would be appropriate for him as a developmental prospect

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I would much rather do that than vice versa, but Zeitler has never played on the left side. Like, ever, I think.

He’s a 34 year 1st round savy vet at OG

He would be just fine over there.

Fair enough. That’s not what I see at all but to each his own. But I especially think his movement skills are borderline elite. Now he comes in too hot sometimes and will lose his hold too quickly after a block, but I expect that to be fixed with coaching. He’s got the unteachables to me hand over fist. But then again he’s one of my crushes.

I went with the Yale G/T. Great thing is he can learn and develop behind 2 of the best tackles in football. Also our swing tackle situation is a little scary


That is a little cavalier imo.

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One or two OL guys suprised to not see on this list but I’m going OL just based on the need more than anything.

That’s a fair and logical reasoning to draft him.

As a backup to learn and develop and eventually be a starter.

Makes sense I like that, I hope in the real draft he is there round 3 for us…

We took a RG/RT developmental OL in the 5th last year

I’m almost willing to bet my entire bank account that he will be forced into action at some point during the season.

I just don’t see the interior of the offensive line brought to you by Yale and William & Mary being a high percentage shot from any conceivable aspect.


Not in round 2 LOL 2 rounds too early

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So, why is he in the poll?

Is Zinter rated to go in the 2nd?

Not at LG over Zeitler/Glasgow or even Kayode.

I guess if we are banking on an injury to Decker & Sewell…that’s great

several decent vets I’d be happy to bring in for 1 or 2 year deal….


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Trying to limit the cries & complaints lol

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