Red Flags Players Workout Sometimes

I can let it go. Just think every woman victimized by one of these ass clowns is accused of wanting these jackasses’s money. If somone can stop blaming the victim and lauding the perpetrator, I’d feel a whole lot better.

I’ve asked plenty of women for oral sex. Sometimes it works out when I pick them up from the Star Trek convention back to moms basement

My alien-lizard costume turns on all the Uhuras in the room. Never had to resort to face-smashing - I set my phaser to pimp

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It’s all good, I didn’t respond bc we’re not going to ever find common ground, hence my agree to disagree comment and subsequent silence. I’ve read articles and saw the video many times. He was 18 at the time (Hunt is 23 and had a lot more to lose), we’re all dumbasses at that age. I didn’t go into it with an opinion, priveleged athletes don’t like being told no, basic bitches like to flirt and talk shit and think they can get away with it… Those are the stereotypes that are out there. I know what I see with my eyes, take out their stories and he comes in without ever looking at her and starts talking to the dude, starts walking away and she sticks up for her friend and gets wrecked as a consequence. Was it right? No… But she’s not innocent.

Again, agree to disagree :man_shrugging: I preach to my daughter not to put herself in a situation where she can get in trouble. Doesn’t mean it won’t happen, but there are choices she can make to avoid this kind of stuff, like putting your hands on someone.