Report: Chris Spielman to Interview for Jets General Manager Job

I mean if any of us don’t want him to leave we can just say that without trying to tie him down on false narratives such as “He said he wasn’t qualified” or “He’s not being loyal”… :laughing:

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Just read the numbers for carry over bucks, Jet’s are dead last with under $500,000. It’s going to take a long time to fix everything that’s wrong there.

This was a quote from Spielman before Brad was hired. No false narritive.

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But again….that was 5 years ago. I doubt that would be his answer today….otherwise he wouldn’t interview for the job. I mean right? :person_shrugging:

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I’m convinced he has no interest in the job, IMO he’s going to share the story of how we turned our culture around and give AG a big plug. Just my Opinion.
Chris has life’s priorities in order.


Good point on Jets interviewing him for information on AG and how the Lions went about their internal changes.

I think many of the NFL interviews are about teams getting information as much as it is about hiring a new guy.


And clearly in your opinion it means he is a Lions lifer

This has turned argumentative and useless

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Almost like a fan forum where people have differing points of view. :innocent:


I think there’s a lot of smoke (and maybe a fire) around AG to the Jets.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they were using this as a way to get more info on AG and what AG would want.

That being said, I don’t get all of the doom and gloom.

By all accounts, Dan and Brad are quality people to work with and even if we lose quality front office and coaching talent, I believe we’ll also attract quality outside front office and coaching talent.

But check its more to it than just differing opinions. I mean when people start questioning loyalty because you could be up for a promotion with a different organization that’s where it becomes useless. Or, again, bringing up a statement from 5 years ago as a means to say he’s not qualified so therefore he’s not leaving is kinda silly. As with anything….let it play itself out

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The Lions should expand his role if they want to keep him. Personally I think he’s better suited to be a team president someday over a GM. Let him know his pathway will lead to that with the Lions. If they want him to stay within the organization, there are ways to do that.


The Jets are attempting to do an organizational chane similar to what the Lions did 4 years ago.
Chris was a key part of that and has a story to tell.
The Jets have hired Chris’s brother’s firm, 33rd Team, to consult and lead the search for GM & Head Coach.
There approach is to interview literally dozens of candidates to gain info on how other successful teams are managed, and to pair a capable GM & Head Coach that share the teams values and vision and have a compatible process and personality.
I doubt if Chris is near the top of the list of candidates because of his lack of experience, but he can provide valuable information and background on AG & Ben.
He likely took interview as favor to his brother.
If he is truly interested Chris can position himself as a leader who knows how to select smart and talented people and let’s them do their job.
Much as Dan Campbell does as Head Coach.


I dont want to see him go but maybe it would give a Lion the chance to cut Kerby Josephs son or send him off to languish in Cleveland