Rise Of Skywalker

Just saw it with my nephew and found it, meh. Granted, I am far from a SW junkie. But found it just about the same as most episodes. Action packed formulaic entertainment for the masses. Isn’t this what Disney does?

yeah, pretty meh. Happy to flush this group and move on.

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I mean is there really one character in the whole set that if they got taken out oh, you’d be upset?

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I personally dont think it’s this group causing the issue. Then again, I seriously don’t need a new movie every single ■■■■■■■ year.

I must be a simpleton, because I liked it. I thought it would have just been better having one person’s or group of writer’s vision for the entire series here instead of giving Abrams the first and third and then Rian Johnson the one in-between as I doubt this was what the story was intended when it started and I am sure Disney had a timeline for it to be done.

The whole point is to entertain, this isn’t a Best Picture nominee and I thought it was very entertaining. In fact, none of the Star Wars world from New Hope to Rise of Skywalker is anything but geek entertainment. I didn’t see anything in the new movies that made them any less than the originals. I just think some people have too big of an attachment to the originals and nothing can or will be as good.