Should the lions let cam sutton go?

That is what Brad said in the offseason. He said Gilmore has exactly what they are looking for. Its just in a body that isn’t ready to show it yet.


I’ve had similar thoughts about a few tinder dates. :joy:


This is idiotic. No he wont be let go, hes our best corner and there is the problem. He’s not a number one cb but he’d make a good number two.

We lack a solid pass rush and ask too much of our corners. Hes far from elite so asking him to cover for as long as he has to or work within a scheme he isnt capable of working in is the problem.

Get pass rushers and sign another cb to compliment him and hell be better.

I don’t think it’s anywhere near his fault number one receivers kill us, its a combination of things for sure.


I had Gonzalez at 6 and Gibbs at 18. When we dropped to 12 and Gonzalez was still there I was sure we were going to grab Gonzalez. I was fine with Gibbs as I saw him as a 1st round talent.

My analysis of Campbell hasn’t changed. His level of play was about what I expected. He really needs to step up year 2 or he’s in bust territory.

I think Joey Porter Jr would have been a much better pick for us.

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Lets just wait an see we just may find that Sutton was playin g through a injury that most of you wouldn’t walk more than few blocks. Just lets wait.

No they should not let him go


I wonder if he was sneakily hurt the rest of the year after his first few good games.

If we bring Mosley back, it likely means we only add one more CB, as he woukd be in the Jacobs backup role to Sutton and whoever is our #1, with Gilmore and Lucas fighting for 1 spot plus Branch unless.we keep 6 CB and go 4 safeties

I wonder if he may not be a better safety than a CB. 5-11 203 He has size an he will hit. This way he see’s the play an likely less grabby. Just a thought.

I think Jacobs is fine as a 3 or 4 CB as long as his snaps are limited. If he is a starter which often happens to # 3 CBs he will get exposed. He tries hard and he tackles but he does not have the skills of a 1 or 2 CB.

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not impressed at all with Cam Sutton -personally.

Will Harris’ spot? Could be.

Cam Sutton looked like a shut down corner in the first half. I was blown away by him like I was with DMont. The whole DMont situation towards the end did bother me. Because they didn’t play him enough.

But Sutton was BAD in the 2nd half, and on. He’s on a very fair deal. They need to keep him because if anything this team needs CB depth.

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Get his ass out of here! A rookie could have fared better imo

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i agree, he doesn’t do a whole lot on defense, maybe if he was on second string, but i know that there is cornerbacks in college that do better than him

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i tore my MCL,ACL, dislocated my right knee and broke my right femur in one game after getting tackled in a dog pile. i was in a wheelchair for 7 months

Damn man, thats rough. Sorry.

Crazy, brother! Hope all is better now.

The good news is Holmes will draft you round 3 or so.

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