Since I am new here, I have to ask

Atticus was great, always looked forward to his post game comments

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Paul is a great guy, fortunate to get to know him a little over the years. Still enjoy Tigstown.

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Awesome! I’d send him a message if I knew he’d remember me. Sadly, I was probably just an annoying 15 year old that he didn’t think twice about, despite giving some solid advice.

Just talked to Jon…


He was hilarious, I’ll give him that.

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Welcome aboard @kmaris15!

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It was downright required during that era, so I went to bat for him plenty. I think one night he spammed the board and it was the last straw (?)

Man so many great names no longer around here. Some of those guys were very supportive when I was scared to post cuz of looking dumb or getting ripped apart. Still miss them but now idc how dumb i look, i’m used to it lol

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Has there been an Iggy sighting?

He’s been sighted as “neondeion”

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LOL no way



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I knew it!!!

I think he spammed it with uh, inappropriate, images.

But with all the particulars of AB’s ejaculate being discussed, maybe he was just ahead of his time!!

Dang, I honestly couldn’t see Iggy doing something like that. Maybe it was a limitation of the other board… If that’s true, yikes. I actually respect him because he was opinionated but he stuck to his guns for the most part even though we were on different sides a lot of the time. Football related.

The next Neil deGrasse Tyson! Get ready to take notes! He’s back!!