We are so lucky to have our badass QB. Let’s protect this guy, so we can use TEs for something more than just extra blockers, get a gun game going, and use some play action. Watch this cat shred the league!
I don’t think the Lions are as far away as most people do. All obstacles, I can see a way to overcome with one exception…Officials. this MFrz are relentless about giving football games to our opponent.
It’s a damn shame that they’re wasting his greatest season. So far, its MVP worthy.
PS, bring back the Run n Shoot!
Maybe just maybe take a pay cut, and get more help. Oh nevermind BQ wasted 20 million to help us.
Thank you for saying this. I know you are joking but I’ve said for years even if Stafford took a paycut at half or even 75% if the people spending the are going to waste it on the like of Christian Jones, ZIggy Ansah or Mike Daniels then whats the point?
I’m not joking though. If he wants to win then take a pay cut. Too much money for a QB who hasn’t won a division conference or a playoff game.
Oh okay, yeah that’s absurd.
There are no players or player that would be obtainable that would make this team a winner for half of Stafford’s cap number.
But, but…I’ve read here and on 247 that either one of Manziel or Glennon are better!
Hmmm…who could have possibly made such a proclamation???
C’mon man, who is going to take a paycut when the market dictates a certain salary? “Ya know, I know the offer is for 30 millions year but, how about I take 25 million a year for 5 years and leave 25 million dollars on the table.
It’s just such a bad take.
27 mil wasted on Lang and Ansah last year.
18.5 mil in cap space as we type, with another 6 in dead money on Diggs, Lang and CJ Anderson…
But let’s ask the QB to play below market value so the GM can continue to make bad deals or just sit on it?
We’ve got a shit load of cap room.
It only benefits you if you actually use it.
You don’t think Stafford can’t live off 20 million a year. Maybe that 7 million can get him a new LT. Or a top DE.
Yeah man, high end left tackles and d ends are available every year for 7 million.
It has nothing to do with what he can live on, using your logic he should play For free bc lord knows he has already made a shit ton of money.
Okay, so your boss offers you a raise and you say “nah, I’m good, I can live off what I’m making?”
Or when you win the lottery for 100 million dollars you say “I’ll just take 10 million bc that’s all I need to live on”
Don’t say it’s different, bc it’s not. You critiquing a man who is being rewarded for the craft he has dedicated his life to and does very well. You are lying to yourself if you think you would take less if you were in that situation. He is making money take care of his wife and kids and their futures. Good for him to make every single cent that they want to pay him. Good for him, if only we were so lucky to take care of our families and their kids etc with that kind of money.
No but 7 million plus the 20 million adds more talent.
So he should play for free…
Dude he can play for 20 million a year and be better then great. I don’t think anyone body should make the money they are making. Yet Stafford still does commercial s too.
Invested in a defense finally and it’s failing us big time! They know it, the world knows it… Now fix it!