Super Bowl Thread: Not the Lions vs Who-The-Hell-Cares

Season 4 Episode 10 GIF by The Office


and Swift singing the corny jingles…every 5 minutes. :nauseated_face:

Sorry, Marv Levy has him by 1

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Yeah well at least they deserve it. They are 2 in a row superbowl champs. Hard to do.

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Marv Levy always seemed like such a nice man. Or maybe I just felt badly for him.


Damn, I just realized that they beat Miami then won at Buffalo, at Baltimore and beat the Niners. Is this the toughest road to a SB ever, might very well be.


It seems to me that every time a team misses an extra point in football, college, pro, regular season or post season…it ends up costing them big time.

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Both Eli NYG Super Bowls they came in as a Wild Card team and won out…including beating the Patriots who came into the Super Bowl 18-0. I think that might have been tougher.

I bet answering this question is high on Kyle’s to-do list tomorrow…

I like yhat reasoning, plus as mentioned on the broadcast, your D gets a blow after being marched down the field in hurry up.

Off and on, say I watched about a quarter of the game. I am so Chiefed out.

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The Office Crying GIF

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I think go with 2, put the pressure on them and then get the ball on the third possession to win it.

I won! I won!:laughing:


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