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Freakin hilarious!!

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Be careful what you wish for


The price?

I’d be pissed, if they left Detroit. We would get done the way Cleveland did.
Sell the team - move to Baltimore - win Super Bowl.
Reboot Browns franchise, suck for another century!


Agreed. We have ownership that is committed to the city, built their own stadium, and have both the means and willingness to spend money on the team.

It can be far, Far, FAR worse.


No, seriously?
It could be far, Far, FAR better…if we got an owner that has even a basic understanding of football!

I’m genuinely curious what good people think that meddling ownership would accomplish. It’s not like the Jerry Joneses or Daniel Snyders of the world are exactly lighting it up.

The Fords leave the football to the football people, and they’re committed to the city of Detroit. A change in ownership is much more likely to result in the London Lions than it is Superbowl Champion Detroit Lions.

I seriously think competent owners would recognize that the NFL has no interest in making the Lions a better team! They fuck us every chance they get.
Yeah, they asked the NFL for help finding a GM because they recognized that the owner and team president didn’t have a clue.
We’re a long way from 9-7, sportsfans!

Honestly, what does understanding football have to do with owning a football team? It’s a business, you think Shahid Khan, Zygi Wilf, Amy Strunk or Stephen Ross know much about football? The answer is no, they’re business people and that’s how they run their franchise…it has nothing to do with “knowing football”. All that matters is ROI, if they’re making money then they’re happy, obviously they’re fans and want to win as well, but being a good owner has nothing to do with knowing football. It’s about knowing the right people to hire and giving them the resources to run their operation successfully.


I’m not sure you’re getting the point. Do you think the NFL has our best interest at heart?
See, Martha didn’t hire a team president that knows football, either. So, the two of them went hat in hand to the very people whose refs fuck us constantly.
What could possibly go wrong, right?
If they’re so willing to spend money to improve the team, why not hire a fucking experienced HC with a proven track record? HC doesn’t count against the cap.

I’m not saying she is or isn’t a good owner, but you said we need an owner with a basic understanding of football… I’m merely pointing out that knowing football is irrelevant. Personally, I think she wants this team to be successful, but she doesn’t know how to go about it. She hires people she trusts to make decisions, they hired Quinn who was a very good hire and it was echoed as such withing the NFL community, he was called secretariat. We all knew Patricia was going to be the HC eventually, I didn’t have a problem with the hire, it made sense. Hiring an experienced coach does not equal success… Ask Mariucci

Just curious - what has Martha Ford done that would indicate she is a bad owner? She did not waste much time blowing up a failing front office and coaching staff. She let others guide her in the selection of new personnel. She diffused the stupid kneeling at anthem thing by offering to donate to players charities if they did not kneel. And personally I think she will not hesitate for long before canning the current management. I expect they get one more year - would be shocked if they get more than that if they don’t show massive improvement next year. She and family have never hesitated to put money into facilities, they support Detroit and will probably never entertain the thought of moving the team and she is active in league ownership meetings. So once again for those who have a problem with her as owner can you please articulate what your problems are and what you are basing them on.

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I don’t think she’s a bad owner… People bitch bc she’s hired people that haven’t succeeded… Those same people probably bitched that she liked Caldwell too much when he was the HC.


Their problem is the lack of success on the field.

Which is fine. I share the frustration. But I also know how little ownership plays into that compared to, oh let’s hypothetically say fat, egomaniacal, worthless head coaching.


Reality is she may turn out to be awful over time but there has not been enough time to evaluate her (especially based on team success). When looking at the actions she has taken she is far better than her husband was.


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There is something I don’t like about her… When they did the female owners story in NFLN they showed her in a meeting with Quinn and Patricia. When Matt walked in he went to her and gave her a kiss on the check like you would do to your grandmother… I don’t like that one bit, she’s the boss, not their friend.

I agree

She let the NFL guide her! She hired a businessman who admitted straight out of the gate that he wasn’t qualified.
Seriously though, letting the NFL help? Really?
Has she never even watched a game?
When is the NFL going to admit that they don’t know how to hire Refs, and who are they going to call for help? Hopefully, me! I’ll put together a league full of Refs that Lions fans will love!
Yeah, letting New Yorkers pick your GM is about that bright!

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Smart business people hire and bring in experts to help them in areas they are not strong. I assume most on this board watch football games weekly and have for years. That does not make them qualified to select a GM. Martha Ford and Woodson brought in help. Not sure why you have a problem with that. And I have no idea what the refs have to do with anything in this discussion. Seems to me you are hating on an old lady just for the sake of hating on her.

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