I never joined The Den to argue or for the one upsmanship stuff. It’s ok that we are , a bit apart on the subject of Goff. All I want is good things for this team and it’s fans, I am not here to argue with posters-and you are right/spot on about The Washington game. I have had a lot on my mind and my life going a bit crazy lately-hell I had a CT on my head -for my car accident , back in August-(they thought I should get checked for a “bleed” in my head-haven’t heard back yet. but your a good poster and I’ve been cooped up in the house due to this cold-ass winter-so I’m a little tense, not being able to fish , get out in nature, relax. so I openly apologize .
Wolf it’s all good , your a great dude didn’t really look at it as arguing , just 2 different opinions . I hope everything is good with you. Bothers argue all the time. But know I have lots of respect for you. You are a fun posters and a true fan. Keep up the good posting bro. Me and you were good.
Are people’s in-box messages becoming threads now?
didn’t even think about private messaging-sorry.
Who are you the post police ?
Don’t worry about Francis he probably just needs his coffee. You do you
I accomplished what I set out to do. I’ll turn in my badge now.
Hey funboys, get a room.

Are people’s in-box messages becoming threads now?
Dear @kalspa i just want to say… since the first time we ever interacted…

Are people’s in-box messages becoming threads now?

I accomplished what I set out to do
You threw the ring into the fires of Mount Doom?
^ that’s a good night
“I’ll do it myself”
Wow, I never thought being an Internet nanny would get me so much action.

Wow, I never thought being an Internet nanny would get me so much action.
Sha As If !!

Are people’s in-box messages becoming threads now?
Whatever you do, don’t open any inbox messages from Espnbaby… I still have nightmares 7 years later… Lesson learned.