The NFL is So Soft These Days

Cause I wanted you to see John Madden build a bird house :joy:

Jim Carrey Reaction GIF

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I’ve seen more NHL , MLB, NBA. and Golf NOT GOFF ,threads that are taking over the Den, so excuse the hell out of me all about what THEY drafted…other sports, I remember Wayyyy back in the day, when we would discuss other football teams and what they were doing in the offseason/our opponents, but the Den is drowning in what the NHL did, what happened in Basketball today Jon? , OP The MLB"boy look at that !" or “today in Golf…” what the hell is this ???
Jim Carrey Reaction GIF

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It’s the offseason Wolf… if actual lions news existed we’d be talking about it.

So your options are 50 Goff threads, Matt Patricia, Jim Caldwell and Kelly Stafford threads. :joy:

Dude, you left out my another one bites the dust thread, you against marriage or what?

driving episode 11 GIF


Haha Rodrigo is batting way out of his league… it’s as if he’s a rookie ball hitter and he married a female cy young award winner from the show :laughing:

So tell me he isn’t a blue jay without telling me he isn’t a blue jay

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“My son is being looked at by the Blue Jays”.

Sorry, your post reminded me of a NASCAR outing at MIS where a lot of Canucks (including some past acquaintances that I miss dearly) will show up. “Reggie” and his son showed up next to our camp sight with nothing more than a loaf of white bread, LOL. On Thursday :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
We fed that fat SOB and his teenage son for the 4 days they were there. Every hour or so we’d here Reggie pipe up with a “The Bue Jays are looking at my son, you know”.