The NFL NEEDS to add a player contract Max

Nothing can happen before the next CBA.
Current contract expires 2030.
Union wouldn’t want it.
It is not a good idea to limit any players salary.

Personally I hate the idea of a Max contract. I think it hurts the NBA more than it helps it and I have no desire to see it impact the NFL.

Team leadership drives contract negotiation in accordance with the current market conditions. If you have bad leadership, you will have bad contracts and ultimately a bad team.

We do not need rules to try and save leadership from itself.

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Yes this seems kinda crazy in a team sport that’s also so reliant on the end of the roster … on 46 of the 53 expected to play maybe just the back up QB as only guy active not expecting to play …

Baseball half the squad might not play. Hoops too.

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This is what gets me about the rookie salary cap , the draft and salary cap in general.

Lions as an example of if owners make bad hires … why shouldn’t they pay the cost ? We didn’t hire Matt M***** and owners being protected means we go multiple years of his bad decision making

The NFL owners and NFLPA are currently discussing having a max contract for QBs.

They are the only position group increasing faster than the cap increasing. With the top 10 making 16% of the cap on average and the top 4 making 18%. And its only going up.

As much of a “good” idea as it is and i brought it up…. However after listening to experts.

Say they made a max contract of 20% cap hit. The problem would be that any decent QB would want that max deal.

So guys like Cousins, Daniel Jones, Baker, Carr etc would be getting a raise up to that max vs what IDEALLY would have is only the top 5 guys with max deals and everyone else drops down.

You see that issue in the NBA. Over half the guys with max deals arnt worth it. Ie like Cade wants from the pistons.


Yeah, the “max deal” just gives extra value to the teams that already have the transcendent superstars.

This is a self-correcting problem for the teams if left alone.

Frankly, I can understand this more from the perspective of the membership more than the NFL’s.

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Agree. The money is insane, but most of these players just dump it right back into the economy. Of course they are free to do that, it is their money. But I would rather have that than billionaires just throwing it on the top of the pile. The market decides what players and teams make. I’ve made a conscious decision to step back from paying $300 for an end zone seat ticket. I just won’t do it. Others will. That’s their choice.

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it’s about damn time…

Dont think it will work. Maybe they could make all contracts spread evenly every year so teams have to be mindful not to give one player too much without it affecting the rest of the team. Its a tough one but a player is only worth what someone is prepared to pay them and that lands at the owners doors.

Exactly. Max contracts ruin sports. This is the worst idea EVER!

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An indirect, longer term way of controlling those huge QB contracts is to raise minimum salaries, significantly. Perhaps with expanding roster sizes as well. Then if you still want to pay your QB an insane number, its going to really hurt your ability to surround him with high caliber players. So in time, it should bring down QB salaries.


I love the concept of expanding roster size. I think it should happen for player safety reasons, but the consequences of contract regulation is a positive too.

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