The Path to #2

Here’s the easiest path to #2 if the Lions lose out.

Week 15
Giants beat Dolphins Giants become 3-11
Redskins beat Eagles Redskins become 4-10 -> Lions up to #4
Cardinals beat Browns Cards become 4-9-1 -> Lions sole possession of #4

Week 16
Giants beat Redskins Giants become 4-11 -> Lions up to #3
Dolphins beat Bengals Dolphins become 4-11 -> Lions up to #2

This seems very plausible

I can’t root for the Eagles to lose because that would be like rooting for the Cowboys…and I refuse.


Nice! Go Washington!


Nice! Go NYG!


It’s painful. I know. Makes me ill but the Cowboys aren’t winning anything this year.

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Clearly your dislike for the Cowboys doesn’t rise to my level of hate for them. If the Lions have to give up a few draft slots to keep the Cowboys out of the playoffs…so be it. Its not like the Lions are going to win anything either. This team will suck whether we have the 2nd pick or the 8th.

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The Eagles could lose today and win against the Cowboys and then in week 17 to clinch the division if the Cowboys lose to LA this week and the Eagles next week.

Wash. and PHI having a good battle back and forth.

If that’s what happens, so be it. But that’s certainly not where my rooting interests are today. I can’t take that chance!:laughing:

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What’s pissing me off is I am purposely avoiding the Lions game today. I’m over it and want to enjoy my football Sunday. But the dang Redzone channel keeps cutting to the damn game! Stop doing that!!!

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I DVR’d it and watched it in the evening. Much better when condensed down to only an hour lost.

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Oh, this team is definitely a #2.


I want to beat the Packers in the worst way , if it means they lose the bye week or cost them a home game , anything to cause them grief and ruin the post season for them …I would even take just injuring Rodgers and losing the game …It’s wrong , I know it is, it’s truly how I feel…I loathe him .