Tony Dungy

watch it on video, he doesn’t have control yet and doesn’t gain control until after he is over the goal line.

I am so God damn close to chucking the NFL as a whole.



Let the hate flow through you …

(And FWIW it’s still pretty early in hockey season) :wink:

That does not make a difference , he was touched and down him gaining complete control is a technicality to the catch it does not mean you continue to advance the ball once the rec knee was down and touched he was completing the process of the catch , should have been down at the 1 foot line

If that was the Lions, the ruling would have been down at the 1 yard line but without control of the football when touched down by contact. Catch call on the field overturned- no catch, ten yard penalty, loss of down, and time run off the clock, touchdown Packers.

Yeah, I saw an ESPN headline this morning saying “The leader of the Pack, how good is Green Bay?”. Obviously not as good as people think without the help of a pack of zebras.


My, my, lifetimelion, your NFL officiating credentials are off the charts! Fill out that application my man!

My eyesight is bad too. :smiley:

For those wanting to leave The Lions or The NFL games, The Officials lost our game…the Lions did not. There were too many BS calls made that we couldn’t fight , we have legit proof…of all the media heads and ex players /current players speaking out as well.

Was just listening to NFL radio and the bottom of the hour updates were talking about the Packers/Lions.
Something like this:

With the Lions leading 13-0 it looked like the Lions may FINALLY have the Packers number…

WHAT? We had won the last four in a row, but we finally had their number. No respect whatsoever, even when you win 4 out of 5.

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