I’m going with
Holmsey Dont Play Dat
I’m going with
Holmsey Dont Play Dat
Waymo better than you
Put some Vaki in my Saki
Not SAM Houston
With all injuries Kerryon endured, I always liked Carry-Off Johnson.
Sew well, that’s it?
Grit TF Out
Grit City
Mane Event
Ben Johnson sez Ben Dover
Reader and Weep
Campbell Coast to Coast
Campbell & Campbell Law, PLLC
Goff & Associates
Jordan No Love Lost
Jordan Love to Hate
Where in the World is: a Super Bowl Ring
Dan’s Den of Dominance
Super Bowl Lions Unleashed
Lions’ Lombardi Legacy
Motown Maulers
Holmes Hero’s
Campbell’s Chaos Crew
Campbell’s Crushers
Holmes’ Hail Marys
Glenn’s Gridiron Guardians
Ben’s Playbook Prowess
My team is the Full Blown AIDanS
Iffy Lube
Executive Branch
Detachable Ennis
The blue and silver Fox
Jamo & Ginger
Pro tip, if some guy is trying to sell your detachable Ennis next to a broken toaster oven for 22 bucks, you can talk him down to 17.
Cat scratch fever