What is the deal with college players who have 5-6 years of college stats?

The spygate thing has always meant more than that. Football tries to create a situation where each team has “equal” information about the other team and what other teams know about them. Having a few rules in place instead of a free-for-all is a positive thing, not a negative thing.

Yeah the spy gate is simply the NCAA trying to level the playing field as far as scouting and budgets. I am not 100% sure that in person scouting matters that much with all the TV footage available. But the theme is that not all teams have the money to send scouts in season to all the other teams games.

Hence why they need to separate power 5 from group of 5.

The gap is bigger than it ever was.

Scouting in person from a random spot is a no-no, even in the NFL where in-person scouting is allowed. In the NFL they designate where you can film from. That gives each team being filmed the opportunity to take the same filming position or at least be aware of what angles will be caught on camera.

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