“Lion-esque,” to me, is fun. I have really strong, positive, emotional anchors to this team. Reminds me of sharing love with people, celebrating days off, after working my ass off, Thanksgiving, being raised a poor kid, and being able to share something I love (lions games) with people I love…taking peopel that couldn’t afford it to the games.
My most Lion-esque moment was a year that I didn’t have tix, was between projects. woke up, feeling amazing, had sex w/my beautiful girlfriend, sat down in my office w/a cup of coffee, got on craigslist, and saw an ad that said “free tix. just want someone to have fun, and I can’t go.” I called them, told my girl to put on one of her Lions Jerseys, and we got in the car on an amazing fall day, felt the warm sun on our shoulders and marveled at the trees that were changing colors on our hour and 15 minute drive. Lions whipped ass, we drove home, and I remember the song “Forever Young” by Jay-Z came on. Was so present in the moment, and so grateful for her, the day, the game, the earth, and the fact that I got to be me…in MY life…in THIS country…and realizing that all of my problems are just “problems,” and that I have a damn good life. A perfect life that no other person could live the way I am living it, through the lens that I see it. Perfection.
Lots of other Lion-esque moments too.
Lions are somthing I identify with, and share with loved ones every week. Something I share with you guys, to a lesser extent. What are you focused on? Does your happiness hinge on some guys that you don’t even know winning a football game? Focus on love…FEEL love…BE happier than you’ve ever been. It’s so much easier than people think.
Every Lions game, I watch with friends that I love. We celebrate our friendship, have great food, laugh, hug each other, and look forward to the next Sunday, no matter what.