With the 5th pick in the draft

the Lions select…………

A tight end


Another none factor.

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I hope it’s another offensive lineman. Lord knows those have been gold for us.

At #5 wouldnt be too much to move up for Chase would it?

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Can you draft a DC?


You asking for a friend?

Hypothetically, allegedly.

Trade it for a 5th round pick. Quinn loves him some 5th round picks.


Can we trade a draft pick for a new owner?


Or new gm

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Not sure this is how the OP intended this thread for.

Well actually… the percentage of reasonable posts here has taken a significant drop just as dramatic or more than the Lions playoff hopes… so I fully expect to walk away from this board for the rest of the year. As bad as the Lions are right now, and as dismal as the defense has been, I will not subject myself to the dribble of this board. I’ll continue to watch the Lions lose (and hopefully lose out by IRing Stafford, but I just will find other things to do for the rest of the year… see if I like what they do in the draft… and decide next fall if I want to waste anymore of my life on nfl football.


I usually like talking about the draft, especially now that its Nov and usually the Lions have no shot at the playoffs, but I literally have no idea how to fix this shit this time around.


I know how to fix this shit show, but no one will listen to me… lol

Wait, does Rick hate us, or the Lions?

Tune in next week…


The only thing that can be fixed is how we view the team. The results on the field will never change.

Like … forEVER ever?

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I’m bordering on hating everything nfl related… time sink… most peeps here I don’t hate… although there are a few