2 observations from today’s game

  1. We suck at defending that rub rout on the goal line. Every one of our opponents definitely knows that so we better get it together otherwise expect to see a lot of easy TD

  2. We are capable of putting pressure on the QB. Not sure why we are so against blitzing but When we do it, it works. Our blitzing stats this year are astronomically low and I can’t understand the logic behind that. Our D has struggled mightily to get off the field on 3rd downs so why not blitz like every other NFL team does???

Nice to see them finally try to manufacture some pressure

All and all though I’m not much impressed by the win
Should have covered the spread
Seemed like a tough game for Coleman

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Tough game for Melvin too. Hopefully Slay will be back soon and Walker too.

Lomas Brown was talking about it on the radio broadcast, our DL does not do well getting off blocks and our OL does not do well sustaining blocks. Although they did a good job on Barkley, stopping his runs and not allowing the big one. Not so good defending him as a receiver though, Christian Jones ain’t going to cut it, covering RBs out of the backfield. Geez, that Barkley guy is good.

I thought the Lions caught a break on that running into the kicker penalty called on the Giants.

Do You Guys ever enjoy a game You complain when we lose an you complain when we win Give Me A Break!!


Another observation: the Lions won.

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“I know we won, but we might lose a game some time in the future. I need to worry more about future losses than the current win!”

Does that pretty much sum up many Lions fans?


My observation:

-We played better than the Giants and good enough to win the game.

-We did a great job shutting down Barkley in the run game. He got us a bit as a receiver. I personally would like to see JRM on defense more during obvious passing downs over Jones.

-Our defensive line is not good at creating pressure by themselves. But we need to unleash J. Davis more on the blitz to counter that. Blitzing is what Davis is best at.

-Our offensive line is awful in the run game. They are not designed to be a power run team no matter how much they want to be. We could really use a great mauler at guard. I wonder if Glasgow is someone they want back next year? Perhaps they’d be better off rebuilding the guard position thru free agency/draft

-The offensive line has been doing a very fine job protecting Stafford this year.

-We need to blitz more in general. Yes we’d give up some plays but we already give up our fair share of plays playing max coverage. I think we played well while blitzing today. We need to make Trubisky nervous next week with the blitz at well. He is prone to maxing mistakes when under pressure.

My question is…

Based on today’s game. Who should we be looking to trade for? I think a pass rushing de/lb, run blocking guard, running back and safety (if Walker’s injury is serious) has to be our biggest needs.

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Many like it better when we lose

They are gonna complain either way but when we win the only thing they can complain about is not winning good enough…which looks dumb

It will be slow in the Den until we lose


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Many like it better when we lose

They are gonna complain either way but when we win the only thing they can complain about is not winning good enough…which looks dumb

It will be slow in the Den until we lose


Don’t worry, we don’t have to lose. I’m sure Valenti will have another rant with absolutely no football substance to it and people will eat it up. It should be titled “here is why you should hate your team for 17 straight weeks whether its a win, loss or bye.”

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so now were looking ahead for future losses? uhg :japanese_ogre:

Apparently that’s the life of a Lions fan

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Many like it better when we lose

They are gonna complain either way but when we win the only thing they can complain about is not winning good enough…which looks dumb

It will be slow in the Den until we lose


Don’t worry, we don’t have to lose. I’m sure Valenti will have another rant with absolutely no football substance to it and people will eat it up. It should be titled “here is why you should hate your team for 17 straight weeks whether its a win, loss or bye.”

True. They always have Valenti for comfort

apparently it’s forbidden to celebrate a win and talk about that , instead of planning out our next losses. my bad :face_with_monocle:

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Why not be happy the Lions won?
If there is one thing that I have learned about being a Lions fan, is that there are certainly plenty of opportunities to watch them lose.

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I am enjoying this win as much as anybody, the Lions finally showed that both the offense and the defense got the job done in crunch time. ST did very well too, IMHO. But I don’t know why I shouldn’t be worried about some things that I didn’t like.

Holding Barkley to 64 yards and 3.4/carry is good stuff, I was very concerned about that going into the game but whatever they did worked cuz that guy is GOOD. But maybe as a result, our pass defense was a little exposed without as many guys back in coverage. LOVED the blitzing though, I don’t think you can let an opposing QB sit back there all day waiting for somebody to come open. You gotta get after them, knock 'em around a little and the Lions did that when they blitzed. More, please.

Still can’t run the ball, good thing they got Stafford back there to wing it outta there. Bad throw in the 1st qtr, but shit happens. The guy was on his game today. What’s good is that a defense can take away Golladay and up steeps Marvin Jones. Take him away and you got Amendola, or Hock, or Hall (what a pickup he was). And I love the creativity and tricky stuff they try.

It’s nice to get a win, against anybody. Let’s get another one next Sunday.

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It almost felt scripted towards the end of the game. 3rd down penalties gave the Giants Offense more opportunities to keep the drive alive and score. Great job by Ford at the end.

Agree with OP. Lions have to do a better job at covering the flat/rub route with picks. Offenses are using this to their advantage.

Oh and more thing, they need to tackle better.

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Some peeps thrive on producing negativity… in some twisted way it makes them feel positive about their self. Lol.

Yeah but only on those days that end in the letter Y. :slight_smile:

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The Lions can-be a good team BUT they need to:

A. Pass Rush & Pressure Better.

B. Get Solid Run Stuffing.

C. Get Better Tackling.

D. Get Better At Running Back. (stop fu^ing around and get serious!)

E. Don’t Get Nothing For Traded Players.

F. Get A Beast To Help The O-Line.

G. Sign A Solid LB.