2022 Super Bowl halftime show revealed

So now we know what passes for safe, old peoples’ music in 2021. :grin:

I’ve rarely watched a halftime show.
Only once have I been sorry.
I’ve always had a huge crush on Janet.

Her voice in the song “again,” and the intimacy of it. Glorious. Her lookin “love would never do without you.” Word.

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Another one I won’t see. I haven’t watched a halftime show since Brittney Spears was running around trying to keep up with Steven Tyler. That was funny.


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I’m past middle age, have sported a full beard/stache for 40 years, (I mean, if you’re going to shave, shave your whole damn face. If you’re growing facial hair, grow it all. Non of this primping and preening in front of a mirror like some bitch trimming bush on date night)ain’t angry(about halftime shows anyway)and have a DVR so I don’t have to watch someone telling me how white my shirts could be, ‘dancing’, singing(and many new singers don’t actually sing)chanting, politicians and religious messages telling us how to live and what to believe.
I watch football to get AWAY from all the bullshit that’s souring the world. Sorry if I got sidetracked and on a rant. If only there was a DVR for texts.:thinking::thinking:
Oh, and Def Leppard - take em or leave em. There are better and there are worse.

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I’ve tried to really hard to “get Prince.” I just can’t for the most part. I totally understand how unprecedented his virtuosity was both from an instrumentation and composition point of view. Just not my style I guess.

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I feel this way about David Bowie. Genius. Also, don’t get him one little bit. Zero.

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The Who and Doors for me.

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You mean you don’t get The Who or The Doors?

I’m mostly there with David Bowie as well.

Yes. I understand their place in music history, but if I never heard anything from either of them for the rest of my life, I’d be ok with it. Nothing about their music or sound or in the Who’s case, their antics, appeal to me.

What has 9 arms and blows? Def Leppard!


For a league that promotes itself as 100% anti- drugs, domestic violence, and murder…

That being said, it’ll be one of the more intriguing halftime shows in a while. Maybe Slim will go old school and drop the 'Kim" song on the world stage.

I get it. I’ve actually been reconsidering the Doors a bit lately, while I think both bands will always loom large in rock history, Morrison has gone in my mind from a poser to a poet. This surprises me because I thought a lot of his contributions were kind of embarrassing. But I think they will stand the test of time and many years from now he’ll be celebrated as the genuine article.


Go for it, man - shave the whole head…otherwise YOU are the wuss. :wink:
Go ahead, call me an extremist! LOL.

Lol. Not for me. Too much time doing all that. Ironic though. Got unceremoniously (because I effin hate not working)put on disability 17 years ago so time is something I have now. Have a difficult enough time running a comb through it so running a razor across the old scalp might turn out pretty ugly. :roll_eyes:😵‍💫
Something I’ve been seeing lately though, probably because I don’t get out much is guys sporting beard pony-tails. WTF is up with THAT?? I mean, man-buns are bad enough, but beard pony-tails?? C’Mon, man….

That was the best one I can remember.

I’ve actually gone the other way. Back and forth a few times, but I’m currently in the poseur camp. That could change depending on whether I’ve listened to LA Woman or Soft Parade most recently.

Check out the 27 Club podcast season on Jimbo. Quite good.

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