2022 Super Bowl halftime show revealed

Dr. Dre, Eminem, Snoop and more lead star-studded 2022 Super Bowl halftime show


The Real Slim Shady GIF by Eminem


janet jackson GIF

sexy bouncing boobs GIF

everybody else is playing for 2nd place, boys


Ms. Jackson if you’re nasty…


I see Michael when I see that face.

It’s creepy.


It’s almost like they’re related or something. So weird! :flushed:

No Way Wow GIF


This is the best halftime show maybe ever I don’t care what anyone says.


Every person getting mad about it on Facebook is a middle-aged guy with a goatee, wearing Ray-Bans, with an American flag as his cover photo.

I think they’d like to know why Def Leppard isn’t headlining.


There’s so many interesting layers in this we’ll never be able to discuss on here

Dope Line up tho

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I’m always laughing. I think this conversation is hilarious.
I hope you people are as entertained as I am.
Just have fun - who gives a shit what ppl think?


Hoping ————- is driving the drop top impala
Across the stage

100% truth be told - never once in my life have I ever looked forward to a SB halftime show. To me, it’s all about the football. Loved some of the commercials, but that’s just a pleasant surprise, if something good other than football shows up.

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[quote=“BigNatty, post:3, topic:12102”]
janet jackson GIF

sexy bouncing boobs GIF
[/quote]Ifeatu Melifonwu. …

I really never expected Super Bowl to be a good game since most of 80s snd 90s were blowouts

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When I heard the news…


It will be interesting to see which songs they play. Will they dig in hard on a handful of songs? Or will they do the weird cop out thing where they breeze thru a catalogue of songs 10-15 seconds at a time? When artists do that it sounds like shit. But they get to say “oh hey we definitely played so and so song.” But at that point it becomes more about the band than the entertainment.

Going by early interviews it sounds like Dre is going to be the pivot point so songs like “The Recipe,” “Still” and “Forgot about Dre” are probably on the menu. I hope they break from the Dr. Dre buttkiss fest and let each artist have some time with at least one of their hits. That being said I’d love to see Kendrick perform “Swimming Pools” but its obviously a terrible song for the venue.

Prince was pretty cool. Playing Purple Rain in the Rain.
But this outta be good


I went out to a club right after he died. They played Purple Rain and the entire club stopped what they were doing to sing it. It was one of those clubs with multiple tiers so it was like a mini stadium like atmosphere. The DJ muted it at the chorus so you really heard how many people were involved. It was powerful.


Right on that sounds like a moment you’ll never forget!
Very cool

That’s much better than my “getting hammered at Cafe Max while watching OJ in the Bronco” story.

That would give me chills. I’m really over all of the celebrity worship that goes on, but that’s a healthy display of respect for a true talent.

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