2023 Color Rush Uni

A cammo uniform with those colors would look fine

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Tail would be awesome. I 100% endorse the tail idea.

I would only agree to it if it’s velcro’d on. I wouldn’t wanna see our guys being tackled by the tail.

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I…like those colors. offwhite helmets with that ‘gold’ lion and then the proper combos for jerseys/pants.
you could even fit alternate black jerseys with that. Hm.

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Flag football lol

I doubt that is from 95 because that has the modern Bubbles logo that wasnt made until more than a decade later (2009-present).


That looks very cool! I dig it

Very Las Vegas Knights vibe, but you could make it work.

Love it! I’ve long held that Lions are not blue or silver.

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You guys understand that the entire league would accuse the team of wearing butt plugs right?

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Good catch. I didn’t trust it when I read it, but figured I’d share it anyway for the colors.

Maybe we could get Anzalone to sign them?

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Maybe make it more golden/blonde, like a field of wheat? Like a Lion with the sun reflecting off of it.

I used to have these in my saltwater tank. WARNING: One of the few fish that actually continues to grow in your tank. Not normally aggressive, but will eat any fish they can get into their mouth, and have really upset the ecosystem in the Florida & other States Gulfstream. Wiped out whole coral reefs and can be found over 200 ft down, precluding normal diver eradication programs. Too deep for spear fisherman and local divers. They like to hide in shipwrecks at the bottom of the seabed. They have no natural enemies in the Atlantic Ocean. Locals are trying to add them to their Cajun dishes. Watchout for those spines !!!..lol.


Yeah I heard they were trying to make them food to cut down their numbers. I think they might be trying to teach some of the local sharks to feed on them as well.

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Saw that too.

Asian now Not Asian carp because saying Asian makes us blame Asians because the fish jump out of the water at Mach 3 and break bones are also now new menu items being pushed.

Probably not at Asian restaurants though.

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Posted this in another thread but this uniform maker thingy is kinda fun.

Not color rush but similar theme

Or this

New Era became the official hat of the NFL in 2012.

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What the heck is wrong with people? Why does it have to be “95 pro bowl”? Why can’t it just be what it is?

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It is still exactly what it is. You said supposedly 95 pro bowl. It isn’t that. It is still cool if you think it is cool. I didn’t change that by bringing up a fact. This country is so dumbed down that people are scared of right answers lol.

I personally come here for accurate info. I appreciate being corrected when i make a mistake. (And i make plenty) we learn more from our mistakes than our triumphs.