2023 Detroit Lions awards: Breakout Player of the Year

Voted for Melifonwu. So little was expected, but production was top 5 safety once he got an opportunity to start.


I went with Iffy also. He became a beast, and the whole defense seemed better once he came on.

The rooks were tempting too.

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I had McNeil before the season

Iffy did show out down the stretch


I picked Iffy as well, but man, this team is LOADED with talent.

I’ve marvelled at the sheer number of pro bowlers and above average performers on this roster.

Next year the rookie class is going ball out.

No doubt Holmes adds a starter or two in the coming draft — plus a FA starter or two.

By fall this team will be a clear SB contender :+1:

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Yeah, Iffy.
The rooks were amazing, and LaPorta absolutely deserves this award, but something about being rookies can’t double into “breakout” for me. Does that make sense?
Doesn’t matter.


For sure
In my mind a rookie should never be the breakout player of the year

A break out implies a lower level of performance in the past (in my mind)


I was really torn, but went with Barnes. The man really did break out, and he did it all year long after winning the starting job in training camp and never let go, despite the fact that the Lions took Jack Campbell in the first round to fill that spot. Expectations were so low for Barnes going into the season, and he earned the job with his hard work, sealing the victory against the Buccaneers in the playoffs with his first career interception to propel the Lions to the NFC Championship game. From the start of the season to the end, I don’t think anyone had the impact versus expectations that Derrick Barnes did.


I was going to go with Iffy and he may be 1B for me but I gotta give some credit to Graham Glasgow. He came in expecting to just be a vet backup and stepped up when he was needed and was a solid guard for the remainder of the season


Is GG the breakout player or the comeback player?

Im still waiting for many of you to eat crow for talking shit about Iffy and many more here…

Still waiting…

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