2024 Detroit Tigers

The one to blame is Mike Ilitch, the guy loved his superstars and was incredibily loyal to the point of hurting the team. Except for Scherzer, Scherzer pissed him off.

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that pitching staff…it is CRMIINAL we didn’t have multiple world series wins.


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I have been so far removed from baseball for so long. When did they start putting a guy on second in extra innings?? I like it.

5-1. One bullpen failure away from being perfect. Not bad.

Home opener today. This team looks ready to compete! We have nice pitching, but we need a late inning eater, rather than four or five one-inning guys. Let’s start hitting the ball, boys!

You ain’t wrong.

That isn’t Hinch’s style he will name a closer eventually, however, the closer may pitch in the 7th instead of the 9th.

I’m going to blame leland a lot on it too. Great guy, players loved him, but his affinity to just waiting until someone ran into a 3 run home run was maddening.

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Well, for me, it was the lack of a bullpen not the offense.

well yea…I mean they tried and it was above average but it would’ve been nice to have a legit shutdown closer, but every team wanted that. I always always thought that in the playoffs scherzer should’ve been that guy.

Plus Anibal Sanchez, who won an ERA title, plus David Price as a reppacement.

Facts are facts. The 2010-2015 Tigers were the biggest chokers in franchise history. The Anti- Scotty Bowman Red Wings.

Its not like they didnt have hitting talent…peak Miggy, Biggy, VMart, Peralta and a cast of rotataing retreads and young guys was enough. They just choked again and again

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It’s opening day in Detroit!!



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i think that’s seven games, seven line-ups. I like it!

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No excuse to lose today, or really at any point in this series.

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Even when the bats go cold and the offense is brutal to watch it’s still a vast improvement watching young talent trying to figure it out than retreads at the end of their careers doing the same thing.

Great post and why I’ve been looking forward to this season. Pregame show for opening day is on MLB.tv for those who have it.

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It’s baseball my friend. Anything can happen any given game. How many times have we seen a fringe pitcher have the best (often only) game of his life against us? I remember going to watch the tigers play the diamondbacks several years ago when miggy and verlander were still in their prime. Arizona started a pitcher I’d never heard of, and haven’t since, and I would have sworn that kid was a 3 time cy young winner.

This team has a crazy floor and ceiling. They could just as easily finish below .500 as they could win the division. They have a ton of young talent. If it develops quickly and some key vets return to form this team could have 2006 tigers potential. The bullpen looks like a top ten unit. Starting pitching so far looks to be not far behind. It’s the offense that will make or break this season to me. There are just too many things that need to fall into place for me to be comfortable with our bats. I’d hate to waste an entire season of good pitching.

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Curious to see if this comes to CoPa this afternoon.


That would be fun but I’d rather see them chanting for skubal after this dominating win. :grin::+1:

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