2024 draft…

Yes I know. Someone just go ahead and slap me now. No reason to talk draft right now…

But it’s that time of year I’d usually start to scan games for prospects the Lions could pick.

It’s happily more of a challenge to identify prospects who will be there around the late first

But this is who is starting to get on my radar. Draftnics I welcome your comments. Many of you are way smarter and more dialed in than me

Here’s the guys it seems may be around in the 25-32 range. Going to try and focus on these cats when the bowl games roll around

DT - Jer’Zahn Newton, Illinois
WR - Brian Thomas Jr, LSU
CB - Kalen King, Penn State
CB - Terrion Arnold, Bama
WR - Troy Franklin, Oregon
DE - Chris Braswell, Bama


Waaaay to early (for once)


This is great. Draft talk AND our lions dont suck!

I like both wr’s mentioned. Corner, WR and OL you haace to think are top priority…with a de in somewhere in those too…personally id say de is the most pressing need. But who knows, maybe they think what they got will keep improving…paschal and houston that is.


Two draft threads started on the same day? Old habits die hard.



Talise Fauga, Oregon State
Jordan Morgan, AZ
Patrick Paul, Houston


Troy Fautanu, WA

In fairness, it is a bye week :yum:

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Homer pick, but Zinter fits with our current OG situation.


Lions needs.


I think those are the biggest needs and in most years theres A LOT of those players available in the draft typically


I think it would be swell if our iOL could also play tackle. Kill two birds with one stone: iOL and swing tackle. There’s a few guys like that in the draft this year. Kingsley, Fuaga, Fautanu, maybe Barton.


Wouldn’t hate it, wouldn’t love it.

I obviously haven’t watched his whole career, but I don’t get why everyone is calling him a 2nd round guy all the sudden. Maybe someone can enlighten me.

Here’s my guys so far…(excluding MHJ, because obviously)

Denzel Burke
Keon Coleman
Rome Odunze
Tyliek Williams
Xavier Worthy
AD Mitchell
Leonard Taylor
James Mitchell


Don’t worry. You are like me. Its in your blood win or lose. I love the draft. November is usually around the time I start to check out mocks and player profiles. I have a lot of games saved for the offseason, but around November you start to get the lay of the land in terms of the draft.


I haven’t watched a lot of him yet, but isn’t Tyliek kinda the same guy as McNeil? I know their builds are similar at least.


We do need a WR…how high up do they take one…i like that kid from FSU alot.


McNeill is a bit twitchy-er in my opinion. I think Tyleik is more of an anchor against the run and has better hands than Alim does, but Alim is a better athlete. Also I think Tyleik plays bigger than Alim does.

Alim wins off of athleticism whereas Tyleik wins off of skill, if that makes any sense.

I haven’t done a super deep dive on Tyleik yet but that’s what I think I’m going to see based off of just watching the games.

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Dude is an alien.

I’m going to see him in person later this year…so I’m going to be scouting him heavily. Although he’ll probably be done by at least halftime against UNA.


Dave Chappelle Omg GIF

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Yeah, like I said I haven’t done a deep dive either. I just know he kinda looks like McNeil. I do wonder if our staff will go that direction since we drafted Bromart last year. I think we’ll probably be looking for a Levi/Donald type, the penetrating DT, to go with Bromart and Alim (who’d kind of in-between those two styles). Of course I could be way off.

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Awesome man, enjoy it


That’s definitely more of Mike Hall, although Hall gets pushed off the ball very badly at times. He’s listed at 280, which means he’s probably playing around 265 or something like that. He’s a far better pass rusher than Tyleik is, and when he’s on the field you notice him a lot more than Tyleik, but his lack of run defense is very concerning to me. I was all on board his hype train until I watched him against Notre Dame this year.

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it will prolly be a bit for me till i get into draft stuff, likely next month ill hope into it when our spot is a bit more solidified in terms of drafting

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