5 Star recruit signs 8 mil deal - College football just drastically changed

The Athletic had a great article on this but I hate to link pay sites. So I found another non-pay site that has some good info on it.

Read it here.

From the Athletic article.

As per NCAA rules, the contract explicitly states, “nothing in this Agreement constitutes any form of inducement for (the athlete) to enroll at any school and/or join any athletic team.” There is no mention of any specific university, only that he be “enrolled at an NCAA member institution and a member of the football team at such institution,” ostensibly to avoid violating the NCAA’s pay-for-play rule. The only specific circumstances by which the collective could terminate the contract early is if the player violates a confidentiality clause or a clause about conducting himself with “the utmost character and integrity.”

“There’s an element of trust there,” Caspino said in regards to a collective offering that much money with no written assurance the athlete will sign with the donors’ school come December.

But in exchange for receiving his lucrative advances, the player hands over to the collective exclusive rights to use of his NIL, which would then negotiate outside opportunities on his behalf. In theory, that could dissuade him from entering the transfer portal, as he would not be able to make paid appearances promoting his next school.

Bottom line is these school collectives are now buying players. Not every state allows this so it’s a huge advantage to some schools.

Also these are high school kids and some of these collectives are really taking advantage of them. Some of the agreements that these kids are signing allows the collectives to get a portion of the kids future earnings.

I find this both fascinating and scary.

I feel this is really a bad direction for college sports.

I guess the positive is these kids can make money off their success but the vultures are circling and a lot of these kids are going to get taken advantage of.

I can see how this will have a trickle down effect that creates problems for high school football and the NFL.


The vultures are the NCAA. They created the problem by exploiting athletes for billions while giving nothing to the athlete. The NCAA turned college athletics into a massive business where they don’t pay their “workers”. If a state doesn’t have NIL laws, then they need to get them.


There will be some horror stories, but future players/parents will learn from them and avoid some of the same pitfalls. There are already horror stories doing it the old way, so its not like its a comparison between something that can go bad vs something that was working perfectly well.

I had a professor in college that broke down the economics of big time football, and how even the professors salaries benefit from having a good football program.


Athlete’s aren’t “workers”, they are closer to “interns”. The athletes are volunteering to do this for the exposure to hopefully go on to land a great job down the road.

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I know what you’re trying to say, but that isn’t accurate. The NCAA is only a multi billion dollar, too heavy, mega corp because of the workers (athletes). In no other industry do interns generate billions in revenue.


College athletics is no longer college athletics either. They market the shit out of these athletes. They have sponsors hanging from every thing. Massive tv deals. Revenue generated by who? Most of those athletes will never see the pros, but the NCAA is taking in billions in revenue off of their work on the field. This isn’t your grand dads college game any more.

Boosters have been buying players for years. Its just more out in the open now.


Ya know there is a work around for paysites……

There are over 8500 football players on scholarship in Division 1 alone.

The majority of them know they are never going to play in the NFL. Some of them continue to play strictly to keep a scholarship because they can’t afford college tuition plus living expenses.


More power to them.

If he has a lis franc injury, blows out an Achilles, or has double ACK surgery before he has a chance to become draftable, he’s got an insurance policy. Of course, though, if he blows it all thinking this is the beginning of the gravy train (instead of going to the Ryan Brooke’s School of Money Management), or pulls a Shawn Kemp/Antonio Cromartie, it won’t matter.

Exactly. They are working as interns to make a better future for themselves down the road. A handful go to the NFL, most don’t.

“Interns” are not the product that the company is selling to the masses. An “intern” in the way you tried to sell it, is the low level guy on the coaching staff. The players are on a different level.

But good luck with your “intern” theory.

I’m happy for the kid. These coaches make ridiculous amounts of $$$ and nobody says shit.


NCAA football is as close to indentured servitude as we’ve had in over a century. They’ll get paid later just isn’t kosher. Always knew there would be a judgment day coming.


So, just like the NFL. :joy:. It’s sad how many of these kids have their accountants or families stealing from them.

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Students compete for the best internships. It’s voluntary. They can walk out the door whenever they want (and some do). They have to fill out applications. That have to at least meet some academic standards (depending on the school).

While it may not be exactly like an internship, it is far closer to internship than indentured servitude.

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Should a student athlete have the ability to make money off of their own name, image, likeness? The NCAA said for years they didn’t all while making billions in profits off of the same athlete.

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If there was ever a time for a “thumbs down” option here… this is the kind of take that deserves a big thumbs down.

Why don’t we just wipe out all the labor laws while we’re at it???


Good thread for OTT

No to NIL. Whoever came up with the idea was obviously at one of the universities that planned on buying players. If you come here, we’ll have a booster buy $1 million worth of your digital playing cards. The entire idea is asinine.

As far as the NCAA making billions.

  1. They pay for all the other sports that don’t make money.
  2. They shouldn’t be profiting at all, they should be decreasing tuition. The goal for public universities that make money off of sports should be able to provide a lower priced education for the rest of the student body.