80G Podcast

Honored to guest spot on the 80GPodcast this week. Take a listen!

:rotating_light:Season 3 Special Episode​:rotating_light:
With guest Rachel Marie Sports
Links :point_down::point_down:



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Not to be a dick (something I’m often accused of) but it seems like you post on this site to solely push your podcasts/videos. I don’t see you taking part in any discussions, just starting new threads whenever you’re trying to get clicks on something new. It’s bordering on spam… Am I wrong?


Lions football is a RELIGION!!!

:muscle: :sunglasses:

Franchise altering move = Stafford starting 8 games!
I don’t think the mandate is real (“competitive for playoffs” could mean 8 wins)
I think if Matt played all games last year, we win 7. Refs don’t steal GB game, that makes 8 wins. :wink: KC is a very debatable one. I feel the refs could have cost us that one - that reeks of borderline playoffs already.

I feel like any luck with health at all, and we hit 10 wins.


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No worries. Noted, however: isn’t posting Lions topics to start conversations and replying to those taking part in discussion? Even if I choose not to get involved in the heavier discussion I wish to avoid. I often read through posts and choose not to offer a response, but follow the comments. If you consider Lions content that is meant to fun and light hearted spam, then I’m not sure what to tell you. Does it also get clicks? Sure. But by all means the 15 or so clicks that come from this site is not why I’m posting. Thought it was an appropriate place to share…

What’s the difference between asking a question to spur conversation and posting a video to? It’s just what I do. I make Lions related videos :woman_shrugging:t2:


So question for ya Rocky: if the mandate isn’t set in stone, what do you think happens if we miss the playoffs but have a winning season? Curious to hear your thoughts

The difference is, one side is posting articles from many sources for discussion, the other side is ONLY posting content that redirects people to your specific site/media…that qualifies as spam.

I think the “hot seat” is more like a luke warm seat. I strongly suspect Patricia will be back, even if he wins only 8 games.

That said, I think we win 10 games, next season.

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I can never find that “get off my lawn” gif when it’s needed most.

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