How about talking about a subject based on facts and real life impacts? I could care less why you vote one way or the other, but this is for people that can actually discuss the merits of a subject or policy. Pick any subject you like, but provide actual facts to support your position.
My first take - Health Care
I lost my dad 35 years ago to Kidney Cancer. Back then it was much more difficult to do research. I did anyway as I wanted to know independently if my father was terminally ill or there really was some hope. What I found was that Chemo was not an accepted treatment for Kidney Cancer, yet he was getting Chemo. When I questioned the doctor he said “most people like to feel there is hope”. When I suggested that there are real world impacts to what he was doing, he acted as if he didn’t care. He was promptly thrown over a cart in the hallway as I wanted to beat him into an ink spot. I explained that the Chemo was killing him quicker and he just shrugged. My father died three months shy of retirement and instead of my mother getting half his salary for life 120k, she got 389/mo.
I now have a friend who’s father has Kidney Cancer. I asked him if his father was taking Chemo and he said yes (still not knowing his father was terminal). They are still playing the same games with people selling services that have no chance of curing the patient.