All-Time biggest hits in Lions history

For and against our Lions!

Biggest hit every - and it was a penalty - Leonard Thompson killing a punt returner. Never allowed him to catch the punt. Correctly flagged.

I remember Otis Wilson absolute kill the Lions QB on a backer blitz. He was KO’d before he ever even landed on the ground.

Those are two hits that come to mind. I’m sure there are bigger more violent hits, so tell me.

Robert Porcher on Mike Tomzak

One of our safety’s lit up Keyshawn Johnson pretty bad once. I remember a helmet flying and Keshawn sleeping facedown with a lot of grass on his face.

The link takes you to YouTube before it will play because of NFL content.


Was that Porcher? In my head it was Tracy Scroggins.


Found it! (About a minute in) Berman says it was Scroggins. He could be wrong though

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Here it is at the time of the hit.


Nice to see Cocaine Wayne and his snazzy threads!

Love that shirt.


Zack Follett had some good ones on special teams. Here’s one he laid on Amendola


Holy smokes Corwin Brown!!! I remember him, don’t remember that hit but damn

The announcers are talking about how that’s a catch and it should be a fumble… if that happened today that would be an immediate personal foul, and rightly so… that’s a nasty helmet to helmet hit

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That’s definitely scroggins #97

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At the end, the announcer says, “A good clean shot by Bradley”. Both that and the one on Keyshawn would be penalized in today’s game.


No doubt. Probably a fine as well.

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Isn’t that the game where Barry juked Woodson out of his ACL?


CSanders88 - - thanks for posting! That was the hit I was thinking of. But thought it was Otis Wilson, not Wilbur Marshall.

Totally illegal now. And a good thing it is.

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Damn I love that play

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Yep, they show it in the linked highlights

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