Alternate covid reality

Medicare and insurance fraud pay well I guess. Really sad. Did they call the FBI? I would.

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I had my whole crew tested last week. If there’s truth to this it could really hurt businesses. A positive test means the business has to shut down for at least a week and be professionally cleaned

The loss in revenue and expense of a deep clean is an extremely heavy burden

Fortunately my crew all came back negative. This was both drive through and clinic testing


Good news.

Is it time to start a cleaning biz that doesn’t require testing? :wink:

And all those fake numbers go into the data… imagine that

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Yumpin’ yimminy…

Pops in just to give us all a Jon Stewart meme :joy: nice to see you buddy

I couldn’t resist. He managed to get TWO countries systems wrong at the same time. It was unbelievable.

The amount of misinformation out there regarding this thing is staggering…


lol. could you be more specific about what is staggeringly wrong? waiting…

i didn’t think so.

instead of just regurgitating what your joker buddy spews without even giving an ounce of reflection to what he actually said, i guess that means you’ll just have to wait for your joker buddy to answer / explain for you too.

there he is! could you articulate what “he” got wrong specifically so you can enlighten us all. please be specific.

like i thought. nothing. lol

Good news on your crew.
All of ours have also done well to this point.

I have had two stories of getting a positive result without taking the tests.
One is a friend in MI who had four family members sign in get in line and leave after an hour plus wait as one had to get back to work. All four were notified they tested positive.
Same scenario in Miami with friends employee.

Can’t speak for the rest of you, but I’m quite enjoying this thread. Especially the clever maneuvering to extract info on the “ghost” country of origin.

My guess is Maine.

I don’t have to enlighten everybody here, because most people already know this info. Let’s break it down, comparing the US vs Europe:

USA - We are broken down into states, that were originally intended to be mostly autonomous from eachother like individual countries. Traveling from Virginia to Kentucky to Tennessee is supposed to loosely mimic traveling from Italy to France to Spain. There was a common interest among the states to work together and not act like completely separate countries…so the federal government was formed and it has slowly grown in power over the years. But there is no doubt how our country is set up. The most power lies in the lower levels of government, within the states aka “countries” that make up the United States. We did not intend for someone in DC to make a dog leash law for New York and Wyoming, its not how we are set up.

Europe - This territory is already divided up into “states” that work autonomous from one another, while sharing a common good thru a larger body. There is no “version of states” inside of the individual countries for any practical purpose…every country is already a state. And governing at that level is perfect, because trying to bite off much larger chunks becomes overwhelming. But in the end, your attempt at a comparison falls flat. Because it means that you wish Germany (for instance) shouldn’t have been in charge of its own COVID response. You are saying some overarching body (like the EU) should have been fully in charge, and Germany should have just sat back and not helped themselves or their people…just waited for the EU to come in and fix everything in every “state” in the region. If Germany suffers, you shouldn’t blame Angela Merkel or anyone else in a leadership position in Germany…just pass the buck. And by default, you are also saying that Australia and Canada should not have been in charge of their responses either.


Germany has 16 mostly autonomous federal states. Why not compare countries to countries rather than continents to countries?

ArgentBlue is either in Germany or Switzerland. I’m sticking with that theory.

thx for replying so i didn’t have to waste my time replying to wes who obviously doesn’t know as much about europe as he thinks. he probably did a quick dash to wikipedia and within minutes he thought he was an expert, just like all the arm chair QBs out there following the covid that know more than the experts.

it’s not just germany or switzerland. italy is divided into regions. so is france. ad nauseum. sometimes they’re called states. sometimes they’re called regions. sometimes they’re called departments… etc. the bottom line is that certain things are controlled at the federal level of each country and other things are left to the “states”. just like back home. it functions basically the same way.

you’re so off here. if you had taken the time initially to respond thoughtfully instead of just react (as you often do), we’re probably having a different conversation or you don’t post at all. check my response to @CuriousHusker. he clarified for you and i added to it.

the bottom line and undeniable fact is that there are a fair number of countries around the globe that have handled the covid better than the usa and have already gotten back to living normally. instead of just honestly accepting that FACT and learning from it, certain groups of people in the usa will go to so many lengths to find ways to make shit up, deny the truth and spend tons of energy and resistance in a meaningless fight to stay pissed off, unhappy AND DIVIDED FOR NO REASON.

this is what you’re doing in your reaction here. you’re chasing ghosts that don’t exist.

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yep, look at japan with a higher population density that handled it, and easily. it’s almost like listening to science is a good thing. the current ‘right wing’ has demonized higher education and science so much it’s almost criminal.